Instructions for Contributors
The Indian Journal of Field Veterinarians is published quarterly in a size 20 cm. x 27 cm. in single column, set solid in a print area of 17 cm x 24 cm.
Indian Journal of Field Veterinarians (IJFV) is a journal aimed, primarily, at field veterinarians. All articles published in this journal are of practical, informative nature and appear under various headings including Editorials, Case Reports, Tutorial Articles, Satellite Articles and Clinical Commentaries.
General Instructions
All manuscripts must be written in clear and concise language. Manuscripts, figures and tables should be submitted in duplicate (original and one xerox copy) as hard copy. A soft copy of the final (corrected) proof in a Compact disk preferable in PM 6.5 or PM. 7.0 as an attachment via email to must be sent.
Manuscripts should be typed in double spacing on A4 paper with margins of at least 2 cm. The first page should include the title, author(s) names, place of work, full postal address and contact details - telephone number, fax number and email address if possible - plus keywords. All subsequent pages should be numbered. All doses and measurements should be provided in metric (SI) units with /kg bwt where ever appropriate. Specialized abbreviations must be explained. The spelling should be that of the Oxford English Dictionary, and units, symbols and abbreviations should conform to the International System of Units.
Abstract should not exceed 150 words. The abstract should be informative and be complete in itself without reference to the text, figures or tables. It should be typed separately alongwith the title (top) and key words (bottom). Key words are required for subject indexing.
Introduction should be brief and should identify the subject aims and objectives alongwith the lacunae in earlier work in that field. Detailed review should be restricted to minimum.
Materials and Methods should be complete and precise. This should include the design and technique employed. If a well known method was used, citation of relevant authority is sufficient with mention of modification, if any. Insignificant, unessential, common details should not be a given.
Results and Discussion should be combined to avoid repetition and duplication, including mean data and their standard errors, where ever applicable. The results should be related with other standard and recent work on the subject, drawing conclusion and logical interpretations.
Tables should be used to avoid lengthy descriptions of results and must be referred to in the text. They should be easy to understand and accompanied by explanatory captions. Each table should be typed on a new page and its approximate position in article should be marked with a pencil on each copy of the submitted manuscript.
Illustrations Photographs, radiographs and photomicrographs should be presented in duplicate as high quality prints or as originals. The ‘top’ should be indicated on the reverse side together with the figure number and the author’s name. Photomicrographs must state magnification and staining technique. Line drawings should be original diagrams on white paper or board. Each illustration should be provided on a new page and it approximate position in article should be marked with a pencil in both the hard copies of manuscript submitted. Symbols and lines should be standard and not drawn by hand. Any tables or illustrations which have been published previously should include a suitable acknowledgement to the original source. It is the author’s responsibility to obtain permission for their reproduction.
Key words Approximately 5 relevant key words should be included on the title page of each article (excluding Editorials and Clinical Commentaries).
References in the text are given as the author(s) and year, i.e. (Evans, 1961; Smith and Jones, 1990) or Evans (1961). Papers with more than 2 authors are cited as et al. i.e. Jones et al. (1989). References in the text within the same parentheses are given in chronological order. The list of references should be alphabetical; references by the same first author and published in the same year should be labelled a, b, c etc within the text (e.g. Smith 1992a) and listed sequentially in the reference list.
The format in the reference list is as follows: author(s) name(s) and initials, year of publication in parentheses, full title of article, journal title as abbreviated in the World List of Scientific Periodicals, volume number and page numbers: e.g. Arora, K.S., Singh, J. and Chawla, R. (1992). Indian Vet. J. 35: 23-25.
References to book articles should be set out as follows: author(s) name(s) and initials, date of publication in parentheses, title of chapter or article, full title of book, edition, name(s) of editor(s) if relevant, publisher, place of publication and pages referred to; e.g. Mohanty, C. (1991). Diseases of dogs. In: Animal Diseases, 2nd edn., Ed: J. Gopal, Academa Publishers, New Delhi. pp 123-132.
(i) Manuscripts should be accompanied by a signed statement that the paper 1) is original, 2) has not been submitted or published elsewhere and 3) has the approval of all authors. If abstracts only have been published, full papers will be considered but a copy of the abstract should accompany the submitted paper. If reference is made to papers cited as ‘in press’, 2 copies should be provided.
(ii) There will be extra charges levied on the authors for coloured illustrations.
(iii) All the contributors (except invited contributors) should be subscriber of the journal.
(iv) The Editor-in-chief’s decision will be final.
(v) Please keep self addressed post card with article for acknowledgement.
The corresponding author will receive proofs prior to publication. These should be read and returned with corrections immediately. Major alterations will be accepted only at the author’s expense.
Processing Fee and Reprinting Charges
All manuscripts, except those invited by us, should accompany a demand draft or money order of Rs. 100 as processing fee. Purchase of reprints is mandatory. Reprints will be supplied in multiples of 25 @ Rs. 200 per page for 25 reprints which includes printing charges also. The DO or MO should be in favour of ACADEMA PUBLISHERS PAYABLE AT INDORE or may transfer the amount in HDFC Bank Account No. 00362000022152 under intimation to the Editor in-chief on Phone and through E-mail also.
Manuscripts should be sent to :
The Editor-in-chief,
Indian Journal of Field Veterinarians (IJFV),
Academa Publishers
83, Vandana Nagar Main, Indore (MP), India
Tel: +91 (0)731 2497068; Mobile: 9993435302