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Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology
Year 2013, Volume-7, Issue-1 (January–June)
Print ISSN : 0973-9122
Online ISSN : 0973-9130

Table of contents

Dermatological Manifestations in Fatal Lightning Strike - A Case Report
PS Chidananda, Adam Ali Nadaf, B Deepak Kumar, KG Raviraj, MR Veeresh

Evaluation of Lead and Antioxidant Status in Blood and Lens of Senile Cataract Patients
Ahmed Refat Ragab, Nashaat Shawky Zaki

Profile of Fatal Methyl Alcohol Poisoning Outbreak - A Medicolegal Autopsy Case Study
Amit M Patil, Satin K Meshram, Rajesh D Kharat, S C Mohite, Walter F Vaz, Rajesh B Sukhadeve, Ajay T Shendarkar

An Osteometric Analysis of Adult Human Femurs
A. Singh, M. Nagar

Sudden Natural Death due to Coronary Insufficiency-A Case Report
Asma Kausar

A Five Year Study of Homicides in Aurangabad, Maharashtra
Sitalal Narayan Rathod, Resiure Srinivasan Bharatwaj

Biochemical Toxicity of Organophosphate pesticide Metasystox in Fish Channa Punctatus
B. P. Mishra, M. Y. Khan, Z. G. Badade, M. Chandravathi, Deepak

A Study of Demography of Medico Legal Autopsies in Bijapur
G Gannur Dayanand, U C Nuchhi, K Yoganarasimha

Ante Mortem Dental Records and Forensic Significance
Nitul Jain

Fatal Poisoning due to Co-ingestion of Benzodiazepines and Alcohol: A Case Report
Francesco Mari, Beatrice Defraia, Regina Rensi, Barbara Gualco, Fabio Vaiano, Elisabetta Bertol

A Study of Road Traffic Accident Cases Admitted in B.L.D.E.U'S Shri B.M. Patil Medical College Hospital and Research Centre, Bijapur
M R Gudadinni, U C Nuchhi, M M Angadi

A Forensic Microbiology Study of Sexually Transmitted Diseases in Victims and Accused of Rape in Chitradurga District
Hareesh R S Kumar, Rashmi Belodu, Raju K

Epidemiological and Clinical Study of Snake Bite Cases Admitted in Basaveshwara Hospital, Chitradurga, Karnataka
Hareesh R.S Kumar, Raju K., Chandan V., Sidramappa Gouda, Rashmi Belodu, S.B. Patil, B.S. Patil

Analysis of Medico-Legal Cases at Harsha Hospital Nelamangala, Bangalore Rural
N. Harish Kumar, P. Srinivasa Reddy

Comparison of Clinical and Autopsy Diagnosis of Cause of Death at Belgaum, Karnataka
M.N. Hemanth Raj, Manjula Bai, A. G. Vijay Kumar, Suresh J., T. S. Ajay Kumar, Vinay R Hallikeri

Pseudo-obstruction of Colon in Pregnancy- A Case Report
J. Srinivas, M. Sugatha, K. Janardhan

A Case Study-Role of Heart Autopsy in Evaluating the Cause of Death
Sarita Nibhoria, Kanwardeep Kaur Jhajj, Varinder Kumar Nibhoria, Samarjit Kaur Sandhu, Navtej Singh Bamra, Preeti Padda

A Study of Histopathological Examination in Medico-legal Autopsies in Faridkot, Punjab
Kanwardeep Kaur Jhajj, Sarita Nibhoria, Samarjit Kaur Sandhu, Navtej Singh Bamra, Preeti Padda

Trends of Suicidal Poisoning in Ahmadabad - A Retrospective Study
Kartik Prajapati, Saumil P Merchant, Pratik R Patel

Sudden Natural Deaths -An Autopsy Study
U Kumar, A G Vijay Kumar, M G Shivaramu

Posterior Urethral Valve Syndrome: An Uncommon Cause of Intrauterine Fetal Death
Mahesh G, O Murugesa Bharathi, KM Roop Kumar, S Sudhakar, S Sreedhar Reddy, Uday Pal Singh

Comparative Study of Blood Supply of Fetal Heart with Adult Heart-A Cadaveric Study in South Indian Population
R.V. Talwad, UK Makandar

Intra Uterine Fetal Death due to Trauma - A Case Report
V.R. Nimbargi, M.D. Karmarkar

Sudden Death in the Aortic Stenosis and its Medicolegal Implications: A Case Report
Atul Gupta, Upender Kishore, Mohit Gupta, Manish Kumath

Estimation of Stature from Head Length in the Western Maharashtra Population
M.M. Peerzade, U.K. Makandar, PR Kulkarni, PB Hosmani

Dental Anatomical Variations and Social Manifestations
M. Muniruddin, Ankolkar

Pink Tooth: A Speculative Forensic Phenomenon
Rachna Thakur, Musharib Ahmed, Neeti Bajaj

A Cross- Sectional Study of Risk Factors of Coronary Heart Disease Among Bank Employees of Bijapur City
M R Gudadinni, U C Nuchhi, M C Yadavannavar, V M. Sorganvi

Pattern of Homicidal Deaths at a Tertiary Care Centre, Chennai- A Prospective Study
N. Vijayakumari, J. Magendran, K. Meiyazhagan

Management of Paracetamol Poisoning-the Old and the New
Natasha Jayaprakash Nambiar

Factors Related to Suicide Attempts by Poisoning in Iranian Children
Tahereh Seghatoleslam, Esmaeil Farzaneh, Omidvar Rezaee, Fatemeh Sajadfar, Omid Mehrpour

Profile of Un-natural Female Deaths in South Gujarat Region
Pankaj Prajapati, Gaurang Patel, Ganesh Govekar, Akhilesh Pathak

Acute and Subacute Toxicity of Aqueous Extract of Leaves Mixture of Aloe Buettneri (Liliaceae), Dicliptera Verticillata (Acanthaeae), Hibiscus Macranthus (Malvaceae) and Justicia Insularis (Acanthaceae) on Swiss Mice and Albinos Wistar Female Rats
K.B. Pone, P.B. Telefo, F.M. Tchouanguep

A Prospective Study of Pattern of Suicidal Deaths among Children in Bangalore During the Period 2007–2009
Praveen Athani, S. Harish, B.S. Hugar, Y.P. Girish Chandra

Pulmonary Responses of Manufactured Ultrafine Aluminum Oxide Particles Upon Repeated Exposure by Inhalation in Rats
P.V. Rajsekhar, G. Selvam, A Goparaju, P. Balakrishna Murthy, P. Neelakanta Reddy

A Study of Suicide by Hanging in Farmers in Chitradurga
Raju K., Hareesh R. S. Kumar, Chandan, Sidramappa Gouda

An Epidemiological Study of Road Traffic Accident Cases Admitted in a Tertiary Care Hospital in Andhra Pradesh
Pravin N Yerpude, Keerti S Jogdand

Rapid Turnover of Medical Officers & Medico-Legal Training: Current
Raviprakash D. Meshram, Vivekanand C. Giri, Meenakshi Khapre

A Demographic Profile of Railway Accidents Occuring in Khammam Region
KM Roop Kumar, Shaikh Khaja, Udaypal Singh, Satya Sai Panda

Virtual Autopsy - Why Ideal for Indian Scenario
Saadiya Saeed

Hypotonia - A Rare Complication of 2, 4-D Amine Poisoning
S.C. Aundhakar, Sanket K. Mahajan, Dhanesh M. Mhaskar, Shirish M. Agrawal

Estimation of Age from the Physiological Changes of Teeth in Adults between 25 - 60 Years- an Autopsy Study
Santosh Sheelavant, YP Girish Chandra, S Harish

The Assessment of the Location of Carotid Bifurcation
Satoshi Furukawa, Lisa Wingenfeld, Ikuo Sakaguchi, Tokiko Nakagawa, Akari Takaya, Satomu Morita, Shigeru Yamasaki, Katsuji Nishi

"Virtopsy " - the Most Modern Technique for Postmortem Examination
S. Sharija

Unusual Cut-throat Injury in a Couple with Psychiatric Illness: A Case Report
S Sreedhar Reddy, Sudhakar S, Sanjeev K, Mahesh G, Uday Pal Singh

Study of Distribution of Deaths in Various Occupational Settings
K.C. Shreedhara, Y. P. Girish Chandra, S. Harish

Retrospective Study of Road Traffic Accident Cases at Harsha Hospital Nelamangala, Bangalore Rural
P. Srinivasa Reddy, N. Harish Kumar

Sodium Dichromate Poisoning - A Case Report
Sanjay Sukumar, Udit B. Das

Estimation of Height (Stature) from Superior Extremity Length and Hand Length in Children
Swati Ramakant Pandhare, Anjali D. Patil, A. Kasote, M. M. Meshram

Comparative Metrical Study of Sacrum in North Indian and South Indian Population
R. V. Talwad, U. K. Makandar

Patterns of Fatal Head Injuries Cases brought to Civil Hospital Mourtuary, Ahmedabad
Tejas Prajapati, R.N. Tandon

Stab or Gun Shot Injury-A Case Report
Y. Udaya Shankar

Organo-Chlorine Pesticide Fatalities - A Retrospective Study
M R Veeresh, P S Chidananda

Determination of Height from Percutaneous Tibial Length among Bagalkot Population
S.N. Vijayamahantesh, V. Vijayanath

A Study of Measurements between Ileum and Ischium as Determinants of the Sex of the Human Hip Bone
Vijayeendra Kanabur

Bone Necrosis after Devigen ™ Application: A Case Report and Medico-Legal Discussion
Vilma Pinchi, Beatrice Defraia, Federica De Luca

Novus Actus Interveniens - A Case Report
Vinod Chaudhari, Shailesh Mohite, Rajesh Kharat, Pawan Sabale, Sachin Sonawane, Mayura Phulpagar

An Update on Hazards and Management of Industrial Toxins
Vivek Sharma, MC Gupta, Sushma Sood, Shalini Sharma

Intravascular Hemolysis after Aluminum Phosphide Poisoning
M. Arefi, V. Allahyar Parsa, V. Yousefinejad, N. Darvishi

Snake Bites Profile in Haldia, Purba Midnapur, West Bengal
Ziya Ahmad, Tina Hussain

Estimation of Age of Indian Adolescents by Radiographic Study of Mandibular Third Molar
Ashutosh H Meshram, Chandrakant R Dode, Dhaneshwar N Lanjewar

Iniencephaly: A Case Report
Saumya Shukla, Hema Kini

Rape Victim Autopsy: A Case Report
Ashutosh H Meshram, Sudhir D Nanandkar


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