A Study on North East Corner Method in Transportation Problem of Operations Research and using of Object Oriented Programming Model Palaniyappa R. Department of Mathematics, IRT Polytechnic College, Chromepet, Chennai-44, Tamilnadu, India. E. Mail: shivaram2003@gmail.com AMS Mathematics Subject Classification (2010): Online published on 7 February, 2019. Abstract In this paper, the North east corner [NEM] procedure is successfully coded and tested via many randomly generated problem instances. Based on the results we can conclude that the correctness of the newly coded NEM is promising as compared with the previously coded one. We select very big problem of Transportation problem using Object oriented programming in Java and develop a NEM in Java Flowchart, Algorithm, program. In this paper submitted in screen short. Top Keywords Transportation problem, LPP, optimal solution, North east corner rule, object oriented programming. Top | |
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