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Guidelines for Author

Authors are invited to submit their paper prepared in MS Word as per our page style. It is assumed that the paper has not been published, nor is under the consideration for publication with other journals. Author must ensure that the paper is technically as well as grammatically correct. The authors may also submit a list of three reviewers to review their papers to speed up the review process. Please send a PDF file of the paper to the editor-in-Chief together with the word file. For page style click on "papersample.doc" Sample for paper submission.

About publisher/ Publisher details

House of Scientific Research is a forum to publish scientific research works of all disciplines. The organisation is inviting scientist, academicians to join in this forum as Author, member of Editorial board and Editor-in-Chief. For any question mail to hsr.inf@gmail.com or to info@researchmathsci.org

Mrs. N. Pal
245 K. K. Mazumder Road, Santoshpur
Kolkata- 700075, India

Peer Review Policy

Peer review policy ensures that the journal will publish correct and good scientific work for the benefit of the whole scientific community.

This policy also helps the authors to improve the quality of the work presented by them. Note that revisions and improvement are part of the publication process. If the manuscript is rejected, then the authors will find the reason behind it.

Benefit of peer review:

  • The reviewers may point out the missing part in the paper. They can suggest the need or type of explanation or theory or data or additional experiments.

  • Sometimes it is seen that the work presented in the paper is very good, but due to the lack of good presentation it becomes very difficult to understand the work. The reviewers can suggest the way to present the work so that you can improve your presentation.

  • The expert reviewers can verify the originality and correctness of the work and consider the importance of your paper to others in the same field.

Peer review also ensures that the published papers are of correct and good quality.

All the papers submitted in our journals are reviewed by sincere and expert reviewers to maintain the standard of the manuscript by the following procedure.

Initial evaluation. The Editor-in-Chief or Associate Editor first evaluates the paper. If it is found that the manuscript has insufficiently original, serious scientific flaws, poor writing, or is outside the aims and scope of the journal, then the paper return back to the authors. If all these criteria are fulfilled then the paper send to the at least two experts for review.

Type of review. We follow the double blind review. In this case neither authors nor reviewers know each other's identities.

Selection of reviewers. Depending the nature of the manuscript, the reviewers are selected for our database which is continuously updated and from the list of references of the submitted paper.

Referee reports. Normally the following issues are checked by the referees. (i) Originality, (ii) scientifically correct, (iii) follows ethical guidelines, (iv) clear presentation, (v) correct citation of previous works.

Review time. Normally it takes 4 to 6 weeks, but actually depends on the reviewer's response. If all the reviewers accept the manuscript, then the process become fast. If there is contradiction among the referees, then a further expert opinion will be sought. If major revision is required then delayed the review process.

Final report. Based on the reviewers report, the Editor will take the decision. The manuscript may be sent to the author with recommendations made by the referees for revision or Editor can accept the paper. Revised manuscripts might be forwarded to the original referees for final recommendation.

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