Email id

Editorial Board


Professor AR. Meenakshi
Formerly Emeritus Professor,
Annamalai University, Annamalainagar
M1, May Flower Metropolis
K. M. Kovil Street, Udayampalayam, Coimbatore-641 028
Tamil Nadu, India
Email: arm_meenakshi@yahoo.co.in

Associate Editor

Dr. A. Nagoor Gani
PG & Research Department of Mathematics
Jamal Mohamed College
Thiruchirappalli-620 020
Tamil Nadu, India
Email: ganijmc@yahoo.co.in

Members of the Editorial Board

Professor T. Thrivikraman
Formerly Prof. Cochin University of Science & Technology
Thekkedathu Mana,
Perole-Palakkattu Link Road, Nileshwar-671 314
Kerala, India
Email: thekkedathumana@gmail.com

Professor AMS. Ramasamy
Dean of Mathematics & Computer Science
Pondicherry University
Kalapet- 605 014
Puducherry, India
Email: amsramasamy@gmail.com

Professor Bijan Davvaz
Department of Mathematics
Yazd University
Yazd, Iran
Email: davvaz@yazd.ac.ir

Professor Venkat Murali
Department of Mathematics
Rhodes University, Grahamstown 6140,
East Cape, South Africa.
Email: v.murali@ru.ac.za

Professor M. Sambandham
Department of Mathematics
MoreHouse College
Georgia 30314
Atlanta, USA
Email: msamband@morehouse.edu

Professor Madhumangal Pal
Department of Applied Mathematics with Oceanology
and Computer Programming
Vidyasagar University
Midnapore-721102, India
Email: mmpalvu@gmail.com

Professor N. Thillaigovindan
Head, Department of Mathematics
Annamalai University,
Annamalainagar-608 002
Tamil Nadu, India
Email: thillai_n@sify.com

Professor K. Manjunatha Prasad
Department of Statistics,
Manipal University
Manipal 576 104
Karnataka, India
Email: km.prasad@manipal.edu

Professor T.V. Ramakrishnan
Director, Department of Mathematics,
Kannur University Chandrakatham,
VNH Colony, Karimbam-670142
Kerala, India
Email: ramakrishnantvknr@gmail.com

Dr. Monoranjan Bhowmik
VTT College
Vidyasagar University, Midnapore 721 101
West Bengal, India
Email: mbvttc@gmail.com

Dr. Anita Pal
National Institute of Technology Durgapur
West Bengal, India
Email: anita.buie@gmail.com

Dr. Prasun Kumar Nayak
Midanpore College (Autonomus)
West Bengal, India
Email: nayak_prasun@rediffmail.com

Professor Y.B.Jun,
Gyeongsang National University
Chinju, Korea,
Email: skywine@gmail.co

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