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Author Guidelines

Manuscript Preparation

Research papers

Original papers should present unpublished new scientific findings and should not exceed 10 printed pages except where it is needed otherwise. These papers present original research and address a clearly stated specific hypothesis or question. They should provide novel approaches and new insights into the problem addressed and should be arranged under the following headings: Title of paper, author(s) and their affiliation, abstract, brief introduction, materials and methods, results, discussion, acknowledgements, references, figures, tables.

Short communications

These are for a concise, but independent report representing a significant contribution in the field. Short reports of new results of special interest or article having new future dimension are welcomed within 4-5 printed pages only and could include two figures or tables. It should have at least 8 references. Short communications will also send for peer review.

Reviews Articles

Reviews should be critically analyzed with continuous flow of literatures in terms of events NOT years and should not exceed 15 printed pages However; editor may take decision in case of exceeding pages provided the review is proved worthy and readers to be more benefited in wider views. These can be an attempt by one or more authors to sum up the current state of the research on a particular topic. Ideally, the author collects the information relevant to the topic, and then sorts it all out into a coherent view of the “state of the art” as it now stands.

Review Articles focus on : • the main research contributors in the field : recent major advances and discoveries made ; significant gaps in the research ; current debates and views and the future strategies or directions .Only review articles from experts in the field will be considered for publication. The potential authors are advised to contact the editorial office for this purpose.

General Instruction

  • All manuscript should include Title, authors/authors name (unaccompanied by degree/degrees) and present address (marking corresponding author with along with fax number and email address), Abstract (concisely stating the scope of the work and give the principal findings in single spaced preferably with in 150 words), keywords (maximum 6 words), Introduction, Materials and methods, Results and discussion, conclusion and references should be the components of a research paper.

  • The review paper should have headings and sub-headings. The review should be illustrated with data in tabular form, bullets form etc . If needed, line drawing could be included. As far possible ,the figures should be original and while taking figures from other sources it should be done after getting permission from the copy right holders. Such letters should be attached with the paper. Same is applicable to photographs.

Reference should follow the pattern given below:


  • Joshi, V.K. and Sandhu, D.K. (1996). Preparation and evaluation of animal feed using solid state fermentation of apple pomace. Bioresource Technol., 56 : 251-255.

  • Rahmat, H.; Hodge, R. A.; Manderson, G. J. and Yu, P. L. (1995), Solid substrate fermentation of Kloeckera apiculata and Candida utilis on apple pomace to produce an improved feed stock. World J. Microbiol. Biotechnol., 11, 168-170.

  • Yokotsuka K, Otski A, Naitoh A, Tanaka H 1993. Controlled simaltaneous deacidification and alcohol fermentation of a high acid grape must using two immobilised yeasts Schizosaccharomyces pombe and Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Am. J. Enol. Vitic., 44(4) : 371-377.


  • Stanbury, P.F., Whitaker, A. and Hall, S.J.( 1997). Principles of fermentation technology. Aditya Books (P) Ltd., New Delhi.

  • Joshi, V.K. (2006). Sensory Science: Principles and Applications in Evaluation of Food. Agro-Tech Publishers, Udaipur, pp 527.

Book chapter

  • Radler F 1993. Yeasts - Metabolism of organic acids. In : Wine Microbiology and Biotechnology, (Ed. Graham H. Fleet), Hardwood Academic Publishers, pp. 165-182.

  • Joshi, V.K. (1998). Apple pomace utilization : Present status and future strategies. In: `Advances in Biotechnology' Ashok Pandey, Ed. p. 141-155 Educational Publish. & Distributors, New Delhi.


Joshi V.K and Attri Devender. (2005). a Panorama of Research and Development of wines in India. J. Sci. Ind. Res., 64(1):9-18.

Proceedinds of Seminar

Rodraquez S Thornton R 1988.Rapid utilization of malic acid by a mutant Schizosaccharomyces malvidorans. In: Proc. of second cool climate viticulture and Oenology Symposium Aukland, Newzealand Soc. for Vitic. & Enol., Newzealand, pp.313-315.

Special issue

Sharma, S., Joshi, V.K. and Abrol, G. 2009. An overview on strawberry [Fragaria X ananassa (Weston) Duchesene ex Rozier] wine production technology, composition, maturation and quality evaluation. Natural Prodct Radiance, 8(4): 356-365. In issue special of Natural Product Radiance Production of wine from non grape fruit V.K.Joshi.
Guest Editor.
Shah, PK ( 1995). Evaluation of peach varieties for preparation of peach wine and brandy. M.Sc. Thesis, Dr YSP UHF, Nauni-Solan, H.P. India.

Instructions regarding formatting

  • Papers should be submitted to the editor, typed in double spaced on one side of the page only. Clarity, brevity and conciseness are essential in form, style, punctuation, spelling and use of italics manuscripts should conform to the best usage in the leading journals. Numerical data and calculations should be carefully checked.

  • Each table should have a heading stating its content clearly and concisely. Places at which the table is inserted should be indicated in the text. Research article must conclude with a summary drawing attention to the main facts and conclusions.

  • All illustrations must be referred to in the text specifically. Roman numerals are to be used in numbering the plate and also in the text. Individual illustrations within a plate should be designated by Arabic numerals. Line drawing will be preferred because of both the lower cost of production and presentation.

  • Author is advised to communicate by e-mail, surface mail in case of inadequate knowledge of electronic media. Proof reading is the sole responsibility of the author and he should make proof corrections .While checking it should be ensured that the text is complete and that all figures and tables are included. Substantial changes in content, e.g. new results, corrected values, title and authorship are not allowed without the approval of the editor responsible for this purpose.

  • Authors need to maintain high standards of integrity and ethics while submitting their articles. Providing wrong information is discouraged and must not duplicate the information already published or submitted for publication elsewhere.

  • Please do not give undue credit to any one who has not made a notable contribution to the paper .Excluding the name of any author who has made significant contributions is also highly objectionable and be avoided.

Before submission of the new manuscript authors should consider the following general rules for preparation of the manuscript. Please read these instructions carefully and follow the guidelines strictly.

  • Fonts: Important – Use Times or Times New Roman 12 point size only (other sizes as specified), and Symbol font for mathematical symbols (in the text and in the figures). Justification should be set to full (or left only, if preferred). Do not underline: Use italics, bold or bold italics instead. Line spacing should be set at 2 (Double). Leave a line space between paragraphs and sections. Leave a line space between section titles and text. Leave only one space after a full stop.

  • Manuscripts must be typed on A4 (210 × 297 mm) paper, double-spaced throughout and with ample margins of at least 3.5 cm. All pages must be numbered consecutively. Starting with the title page as p.1, the text, which begins with p.2. and so on

  • The first page of the full manuscript must begin with the title of the paper centered on the page in 14 point Bold Title Case (title case means first letter of each main word capitalized), the names of the authors (Initials – followed by a period each – Family Name) with the main author’s name mentioned first, the names and locations of the authors’ affiliations (Title Case), and the e-mail address of the main author. The title page must provide the title in English, a short title of not more than 45 characters (including spaces) to be used as running head, up to five topical key words in English for subject indexing, the full postal address of the corresponding author to whom proofs will be sent. The title should be brief and should indicate the species studied. Subtitles are not encouraged.

  • The abstract should not exceed 150 words, should be one paragraph and be free of references and abbreviations. It should indicate clearly the scope and main conclusions of the paper.

  • The introduction should give the pertinent background to the study and should explain why the rearch was done.

  • The materials and methods (or methodology) should give essential details, including experimental design and statistical analysis.

  • The results should present the findings of the research. They should be free from discussion. Results should be written in the past tense.

  • The discussion should cover, but not simply repeat the new findings and should present the author's results in broader context of other work on the subject interpreting them with a minimum of speculation.

  • The acknowledgements should be as brief as possible

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