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International Journal of Engineering and Management Research (IJEMR)
Year 2018, Volume-8, Issue-4 (August)
Print ISSN : 2394-6962
Online ISSN : 2250-0758

Table of contents

Solving downgrade and dos attack due to the four ways handshake vulnerabilities (WIFI)
Cyrille Clovis Tchouchoua Teyou, Pin Zhang

Transformer parameters monitoring system using MATLAB simulink
Ashish C. Jangam, Prof. D.G. Chougule, Prof. A.S. Mali

Process capability analysis in single and multiple batch manufacturing systems
Prof. Viraj V Atre

Analysis of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in road runoff water from high traffic area of Guwahati City, Assam, India
Dr. Yamin Hassan

Tensile strength measurement for foundry sand brick
Manasi V. Magdum, Dr. B.T. Salokhe, Prof. A.S. Mali

AMS SoC formal verification based on hybrid scheme
S.M. Ramesh, B. Gomathy, T.V.P. Sundararajan

Mathematics model development deployment of dengue fever diseases by involve human and vectors exposed components
Flaviana Priscilla Persulessy, Paian Siantur, Jaharuddin

A review of factors affecting consumer behavior towards online shopping
Harmanjot Kaur, Roopjot Kochar

Implementation of steganographic model using inverted LSB insertion
Shubhangi D. Kamat, Prof. S.S. Patil, Prof. A.S. Mali

The scope of newspaper as a futuristic medium for publicity
Dr. K. R. Subramanian

Technical feasibility of flat plate collector water heating system with auto tilting mechanism
R.V. Kajave, Prof. Dr. S.S. Salimath, Prof. Dr. G.S. Kulkarni

Transformation of women status through Self-Help groups in Pudukkottai Block
Dr. N. Rameshkumar

Role of public distribution system in Andhra Pradesh an analysis
Vanguru. Naga Satyanarayana, Dr. M. Rajasekhara Babu

Importance of ARIMA model in prediction of jute production
Dr. Md. Yamin Hassan, Md. Shahidul Islam, Naranarayan Buragohain, Dr. Arup JD Sarma

Conclusive review on adaptive headlight system for Four-Wheeler frontlight using stepper motor
Onkar Deshpande, Amar Kekare, Sunil Waghmare, Varun Bukka

Multipurpose energy saving manual compressor for artisans in African Countries
Dr. Isaac Ali Kwasu, Dr. Aje Tokan, Engr. M A Bawa

Individual and business environment: How effective interaction affects sme development
Supriyo Das, Amit Kundu

Need of technical educational integration in disability sector for Differently-Abled empowerment
K V Binoy Mathew, Maryelizabeth Tidiya Walarine

Using an innovative model to automate an efficient taxi dispatching system in mauritius
Pillay Kanaksabee, Aviyash Domah

The impact of signal strength over routing protocols in wireless networks
Dr. Reem Jafar Ismail

Design and fabrication of crucible furnaces by using black smithy setup
S.S. Bhandari, S.B. Badadal, V.G. Kinagi, H.S. Tuljapurkar, Prof. S.H. Bansode

Towards a sustainable value Co-Creation framework: Ethical cognitive couture, cognitive system, and sustainability
Prafulla Kumar Padhi

Management fertilizer dosage of peatland on plant conditions and average bunch weight (ABW) of palm oil in the sembilang dangku landscape
Rio Octarizza Segara, Hariyadi, Sukarman

Performance and emissions analysis of N-Butanol blended with gasoline in spark ignition engine
A Abdulrahman, A. B. Adisa, H. Dandakouta

Follicle detection in digital ultrasound images using Bi-Dimensional empirical mode decomposition and mathematical morphology
M. Jayanthi Rao, Dr. R. Kiran Kumar

Can ICT reduce poverty and unemployment and elevate development integrating micro, small, and medium enterprises in Bangladesh?-Sharing asian experiences
Mohammad Mozammel Haque, Abd. Rahman Ahlan

A study on factors influencing the work interference with family and family interference with the work of selected cement industry workers
Anu Baskar, Dr. A. Mohansundaram

A study on factors influencing customers to prefer the policies of life insurance of India in Palakkad District
P Praseeja, Dr. N. Shanmughavadivu

Can technological, organizational and individual antecedents together optimize knowledge sharing for establishing institutional innovation capabilities?
Mohammad Mozammel Haque, Abd. Rahman Ahlan

Understanding the botnet phenomenon
Dr. Priyanka Surendran

Financial performance analysis of selected private sector banks in India
K. Rajarajeswari, Dr. S.B. Gayathri

Anatomy of a textile cluster-Problems and prospects of textile business owner with respect to business expansion and operations
Nalini Palaniswamy, Muruganandam Duraiswamy

Selective oxidation of limonene over γ-Al2O3 supported metal catalyst with H2O2
Dr. Tugba Gürmen Özçelik


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