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Indian Journal of Extension Education
Year : 2015, Volume : 51, Issue : 3and4
First page : ( 172) Last page : ( 174)
Print ISSN : 0537-1996. Online ISSN : 2454-552X.

Awareness Level of Poultry Husbandry Practices by the Poultry Farmers in Imphal West District of Manipur

Paonam Manglemba1, Ram Daya2

1M. Sc. (Ag) student, (Extension Education), College of Agriculture, Central Agricultural University, Imphal-795 004, Manipur

2Assistant Professor, (Extension Education), College of Agriculture, Central Agricultural University, Imphal-795 004, Manipur

Online published on 22 February, 2017.


Considerable number of poultry farms has grown up in Imphal west district of Manipur. Hence, the knowledge of poultry practices occupiers the importance. The present study was conducted in Imphal-West District of Manipur on 120 poultry farmers selected by multi-stage sampling procedure. The study concluded that a majority of the farmers had medium level of knowledge on different aspects of poultry production practices. Education, annual income, socio-economic status, flock size, extension contact, utilization of mass media and attitude toward poultry rearing were the important factors which have contributed to the knowledge gained by the poultry farmers.



Housing, brooding, feeding, watering, vaccination practices & scientific equipments.


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