Constraints Experienced by Teachers in Utilization of Educational Technology: A Study in State Agricultural University Rakshit Shantanu1, Sharma Gyanendra2 1Ph. D. Scholar in, Division of Agricultural Extension, Indian Agricultural Research Institute 2Professor, Department of Agricultural Communication, G.B. P. U. A. & T. Online published on 22 February, 2017. Abstract The study was conducted in Govind Ballabh Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar. A comprehensive and detailed pre-tested questionnaire was used for collecting information. Fifty per cent of teachers from each college were selected randomly in sample. Total 120 completely answered questionnaires were received. The respondents were asked to express the constraints in the utilization of educational technologies. The mean score for a particular constraint was worked out by dividing the weighted score of the constraints by the total number of respondents. The ranking of constraints was done according to the mean score of each statement. Lack of technical support was perceived as most important constraint. Other important constraints were lack of maintenance of existing facilities; lack of funds; lack of supporting hardware and software; and lack of periodic reviews of the digital learning materials. Majority of the important constraints are related with infrastructure and administration. Top Keywords Educational technology, constraints, agricultural university. Top | |
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