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Author Guidelines

Indian Journal of Extension Education is the Official publication of Indian Society of Extension Education (ISEE). It publishes original research papers in the field of extension education and allied fields.

Submission of manuscript : Paper for publication should be submitted to the chief editor or society on their e-mail id (ijeechiefeditor@gmail.com and extensionsociety@rediffmail.com). Two hard copies of the manuscript along with a soft copy (in the form of CD, Rich Text Format (.rft) or Microsoft Word format (doc.) should be submitted. Before submission of paper, it is strongly advised that it may be checked and edited by your professional colleagues for its technical contents including grammatical and spelling correctness. The length of the manuscript should not exceed 12 typed pages (double space).

Submission of final manuscript: The submitted paper will be evaluated by the editorial members and references for their suitability. The paper will be sent back to the author to carry out the changes or modifications as suggested by the references and editorial member. Final manuscript has to be submitted only through electronic from (as an attachment) through e-mail to the following e-mail address : ijeechiefeditor@gmail.com.

The manuscript should be arranged as follows: Title page, Abstract, Keyword, Introduction, Methodology, Results and Discussion, Conclusion and References.

Title Page: The names, current affiliation, complete address including e-mail address of first author should be listed only on the title page. Do not use abbreviation or acronyms for designation of job, position and institution name.

Abstract: An abstract of about 150 words should be provided, which should include background, aims methods, results and conclusions.

Keywords: Provide a list of upto 5 to 8 keywords after the abstract. The first letter of each keyword should be in upper case or capital letter.


General: Use Times New Roman font of size 12 point. The paragraph must be justified and separated from one another with a single space. Line spacing must be ‘Double’.

Page layout: Format your article so that it can be printed on A4 size paper with a provision of left right and top margin of 2.5 cm. The bottom margin must be 4 cm.

Title: The title must be centred (16 point bold) .The first letter of the every word of the title should be in upper case (Capital letter). All other letter should be in lower case (small letters). Example : Socio economic Impact of Self- help Groups.

Major headings:- All major headings (ABSTRACT, KEY WORDS, INTRODUCTION, METHODOLOGY, RESULTS AND DISCUSSION, CONCLUSION AND REFERENCES) should be in upper case or capital letters (14 point bold) ‘centre aligned’.

Sub-headings: Use font size of 12 point bold. To be typed on a separate line and ‘left aligned’first letter of the first word to be in upper case (capital letter) and all other letters in lower case (small letter).

Example: Socio-economic and psychological characteristics.

Sub-sub headings: Use fond size of 10 point bold, in italics and ‘left aligned’. To be typed in a separate line with flush with left margin. The first letter of first word to be in upper case (capital letter) and all other letters in lower case (small letters).

Table formats: Tables have to be placed in the appropriate place in the text. They should be prepared using the Table facility of Microsoft Word. Tables must have a Table caption on the top of the Table. The first letter of the first word of the caption should be in upper case (capital letters) and all other letters in lower case (small letters). A research paper should not have more than seven Tables.

Graphic formats: Only computer generated charts or figures (as a part of Microsoft word or GIF or JPEG files) or photographs relevant to the contents of the paper will be accepted.

References: All the references should be sorted alphabetically. Include only those sources cited in the paper. Avoid footnotes. Follow the style of references as given below:-

Meena, S.R. (2005). Changes in cropping pattern subsequent to farm mechanization, Indian Journal of Extension Education, 41 (1 &2), 31-36.

Arun Kumar, K.V. (2005). Privatised extension in practice : effectiveness and management issues, Unpublished M.Sc. thesis, Division of Agricultural Extension, IARI, New Delhi.

Use of abbreviation: Kindly do not abbreviate the name of states or country. The abbreviations and symbols such as % ( per cent), hr (hour), yr (year) and so forth can be used only in the Tables in the text. Therefore, do not use symbols such as % hr or yr in the next. The local names for crops, practices, customs etc., should be given in italics.

Acronyms: You have to spell out the acronym for its first occurrence followed by the acronym within parenthesis. Example: Integrated Rural Development Programme (IRDP) or Training and visit (T & V).

Other policies : Articles forwarded to the editor for publication are understood to be offered to the Indian Journal of Extension Education Exclusively. It is also understood that the authors have obtained the approval of their department, faculty or institute in cases where such permission is necessary. The Editorial Board takes no responsibility for facts or opinions expressed in the Journal, which rests entirely with the authors thereof.

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