Author Guidelines
The research articles, review articles, book reviews, general articles, research notes, and short communications in basic and applied research in economics, agricultural economics, management and development are published in Indian Journal of Economics and Development.
The journal is managed by the eminent economists under the domain of Society of Economics and Development and published quarterly.
The authors submitting papers to Indian Journal of Economics and Development should be members of this Society.
Two copies of manuscript typed in double space should be sent to the Editor, Indian Journal of Economics and Development, Department of Economics and Sociology, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana-141004 and a soft copy to editorijed@yahoo.com simultaneously. All articles must include an abstract not more than 100 words.
The length of papers should not be more than 20 typed pages of B5 size in Times New Roman font of size 11 including tables, diagrams and appendices.
Name(s) and affiliation(s) of the author(s) with email addresses should be provided on a separate page along with the title of the article.
Only essential mathematical notations may be used. All statistical formulae should be neatly typed. Footnotes should be numbered consecutively in plain Arabic superscripts.
References: Only cited works should be included in reference list. The reference list should be alphabetized and not numbered. Authors should uniformly follow the reference citation strictly in accordance to examples given under:
Research Paper: Sandhu, N.S. and Chhina, S.S. 1994. Marketing of wheat in India. Indian Journal of Agricultural Development. 20 (6): 66-78.
Book: Samuelson, P. and Nordhaus, W. 2010. Economics. Tata McGraw Hill Education Private Limited, New Delhi
Chapter in a Book or Paper in published proceedings: Sharma, J.L. and S.S.Gill. 2009. Sustainability of agriculture development in Punjab.In: Jain, P.K., B.S.Hansra, K.S.Chakraborty and J.M.Kurup (ed.) Food Security and Sustainable Agriculture. U-Day Publishers and Advertisers, New Delhi: 278-290.
Paper in a Conference/Symposium: Kaur, G., Gill, S.S. and N.P.Singh. 2010. Adoption gaps in paddy cultivation in Punjab-cost involved and returns thereof. In Proc. 13th Punjab Science Congress organized by Punjab University, Chandigarh and Punjab Academy of Sciences, Patiala, February 7-9: 24.
Thesis: Balaji, M.N. (2004) Marketing system of potato in Punjab vis-a-vis Karnataka. M.Sc. Thesis, submitted to Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana.
Units: Use SI units; a few examples are given below: Hectare (ha), Milligram (mg), Rupees (), Million hectares (Mha), Litre (l), Tonne (t), Millilitre (ml), Million tonnes (Mt), Gram (g), Meter (m), Kilogram (kg) and Centimeter (cm). Please note that no full stop is used after the abbreviation of units.
All articles will be referred in anonymity. The authors should comply with the comments of the referee within 20 days' time, beyond which the papers will be removed from the files of the Society.
Papers submitted for publication should be exclusively written for this journal and should not have been published or sent for publication elsewhere.
General: The Editorial Board reserves the right to remove the material considered irrelevant. It assumes no responsibility for the views and statements expressed by the authors in their articles.
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