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Indian Journal of Ecology
Year : 2021, Volume : 48, Issue : spl
First page : ( 22) Last page : ( 26)
Print ISSN : 0304-5250.

Corona virus impact on medical sector and financial markets of china

Althabet Zahraa A., Alnasrawi Taha H.*, Al-Mayali Haider Nasser, Aldami Abass K.1

University of Warith AL-Anbiyaa, College of Nursing, Karbala, Iraq

1University of Warith AL-Anbiyaa, College of Administration and Economics, Karbala, Iraq

*E-mail: almosawy2014@gmail.com

Online published on 16 August, 2021.


The newly epidemic Covid19 caused by SARS-COV2 and consider a part of the large family coronaviridae differ from other viruses that belong to the same family by fast spreading but still less pathogenic. Firstly originated from china then spread and economy almost destroyed the experience of spreading the virus historically shows that markets often recover quickly. The economic impact in China depends on the Chinese government's ability to contain the virus and its policy measures to mitigate the impact even if turns out that the spread of the virus can be compared to Sar the global economic effects are likely to be greater than it was in 2002–2003. This study shows human and medical loss as well as the economic effects with regard to the general index and the market value of companies listed on the china stock exchange as well as the economic effects of the gross domestic product, exports and imports of China.



Coronavirus, SARS, HIS, Global value chain, Intensive care unit and GDP.


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