Impact of lockdown on daily activities and mental health: Study among residents of Assam, India Gogoi Ananya Jyoti*, Sarmah Chandana Department of Anthropology, Gauhati University, Guwahati-781 014, India. *E-mail: jgogoi126@gmail.com
Online published on 16 August, 2021. Abstract The present study aims to understand the impact of COVID-19 pandem ic and the lockdown of the country on the daily activities and mental health of the people of Assam. Cross-sectional study was conducted from 8th to 18th May 2020. Collection of data was done using an online questionnaire through snowball sampling technique. Altogether 480 responses to the questionnaires were received. The questionnaire used included three main sections. (1) Demographic data. (2) Perception of the lockdown and daily activities during this period. (3) Mental health status. Informed consent was obtained from all the participants. Association between the categorical variables was assessed using chi-square. Logistic Regression analysis was done to find out relationship between daily activities of the population during lockdown period and mental health status of the population. Time spent on texting, calling, etc. or use of social media was significantly associated with all three DASS-21 subscale scores. Change in sleep schedule was also found to be significantly associated with all three DASS-21 subscale scores. Awareness regarding the impact of daily activities on the mental health of the people along with proper intervention by professionals must be made available in order to help the population cope with the on-going health crisis. Top Keywords Anxiety, Coronavirus, Daily activities, Depression, Stress. Top | | |
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