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Indian Journal of Ecology
Year : 2020, Volume : 47, Issue : 4
First page : ( 1091) Last page : ( 1098)
Print ISSN : 0304-5250.

Ethnobotanical uses of medicinal plants in part of Pauri Garhwal

Negi Kavita, Vasishth Amol*, Joshi Reena, Kumar Vinod

College of Forestry, V.C.S.G. University of Horticulture and Forestry, Ranichauri -Tehri Garhwal249 199, India


Online published on 9 March, 2021.


A study on ethnobotanical uses of medicinal plants was carried out in eight villages in four different altitudinal ranges of Pauri Garhwal. Regarding traditional utilization, about 91 ethno-botanical species viz. 26 tree species, 19 shrubs, 41 herbs, 2 climbers and 1 fern were utilized by the local people in study area. The species like Quercus leucotrichophora, Grewia optiva, Bauhinia variegate Abrus brachystemon and Boehmeria rugulosa used by local people for food, fodder, edible fruits, fibre, medicinal and for agricultural implements. The local people were keen to provide the information and transferring the indigenous knowledge of medicinal plants from one generation to other. The information obtained from the study can be utilized for conservation, sustainable utilization and management of forest resources from the study area for socio-economic development of the inhabitants and maintaining diversity.



Medicinal plants, Trees, Shrubs, Herbs, Ethnobotanical uses, Indigenous knowledge.


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