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Indian Journal of Ecology
Year : 2020, Volume : 47, Issue : 4
First page : ( 1061) Last page : ( 1067)
Print ISSN : 0304-5250.

Plant diversity in the natural ecosystems of kon Tum Province, Vietnam

Cuong Dang Hung, Illich Kolesnikov Sergey, Hoi Nguyen Dang1*, Huong Tran Thi Thanh1, Hong Nguyen Van2, Dung Ngo Trung1, Vladimirovna Minnikova Tatyana

Academy of Biology and Biotechnologies, Southern Federal University, Russia

1Institute of Tropical Ecology, Vietnam – Russian Tropical Centre, Vietnam

2Institute of Geography, VietnamAcademy of Science and Technology, Vietnam


Online published on 9 March, 2021.


Kon Tum Province is known as one of the largest forested areas in Vietnam. Besides, due to being located in the Central Highlands region, the flora is influenced by the interference between the geographic factors of North Vietnam -South China, Equator -Himalaya, Malaysia, tropical and endemic factors. These geographical factors make the flora here not only diverse in species composition but also diverse in lifeforms. The study on diversity of species composition in Kon Tum province during the period of 2014 -2019 collected 1541 plant species, belonging to 749 genera, 177 families, 59 orders, 10 classes and 6 divisions. Research on the lifeforms (spectrum biology) using Raunkiaer's formula also showed that the distribution is consistent with the ratio in the standard lifeform of Vietnam and North Vietnam with the dominant group of Phanerophytes (Ph). The studied flora belongs to the tropical moist rain flora. Kon Tum province's flora is distributed in four natural forest types, evergreen rainforest, mixed broadleaf and coniferous forest, mixed tree-bamboo forest and coniferous forest. These types of forests are classified by topographic elevation.



Biodiversity, Vietnam, Forest, Diversity, Ecosystem.


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