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Indian Journal of Ecology
Year : 2020, Volume : 47, Issue : 4
First page : ( 934) Last page : ( 938)
Print ISSN : 0304-5250.

Analysis of groundwater level fluctuation using GIS technique in blocks of Ranchi District, Jharkhand

Ahmad Sarfraz*, Singh Ajai

Department of Water Engineering and Management, Central University of Jharkhand, Ranchi-835 205, India


Online published on 9 March, 2021.


Mechanism of groundwater level fluctuations in different blocks of Ranchi district, Jharkhand was explored in the present paper. The spatial and temporal pattern of groundwater level fluctuation was interpolated by the Kriging interpolation method with the use of Arc-GIS. The analysis revealed that the deeper aquifer of Ranchi urban area is having a declining trend of water level. Few places in different blocks were found to have a groundwater fluctuation of less than 2m and places such as Kurgi (Nagri), Taimara (Bundu), Chuttupal (Ormanjhi), and Silli showed the higher groundwater level fluctuation as more than 8m and hold great potential of groundwater. In Kanke block, the stage of groundwater development is observed to be 122.44%. The area is under intensive domestic and industrial draft. The spatial output will aid policy planners and decision-makers for efficient management of the groundwater resources.



Groundwater fluctuation, Interpolation, Kriging method, GIS Technique.


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