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Instructions to Authors

The Entomological Society of India (ESI) was founded in 1938 as a registered society under the Societies Registration Act 1957 as extended to the Union territory of Delhi under Registration No. S. 2434 of 1963-64 dt. 12.3.1964. It is registered with NITI Aayog under unique ID of VO/NGO-DL.2016/0104219. It is one of the largest professional societies in India serving entomologists and researchers in related disciplines.

Indian Journal of Entomology, originated in 1939, is a leading journal in entomological science published quarterly by The Entomological Society of India. The ownership of the Journal is with the Entomological Society of India, and it is solely handled by the Chief Editor. Its ISSN reference number is ISSN 0367-8288 for print and ISSN 0974-8172 for online. The Society invites and accepts contributions from the members. After requisite peer reviewing, it publishes original articles and reviews on various aspects of entomology – both basic and applied, covering taxonomy, toxicology, ecology, biodiversity, pest management and pesticides, biopesticides and botanicals, biotechnological approaches in entomology, inclusive of latest trends in frontier technologies like application of remote sensing and crop-pest modelling. The Journal covers mites, ticks, spiders and other arthropods and at thises verteb rate pests as components of Entomology. Review articles, if up to date and current are welcome. Review Editors of the Journal are soliciting reviews exempted from article processing charges and these can follow the journal format as given below:

Type of Articles

  • Research Article: Report original observations and experiments, the results of the experiment, and a discussion of the significance of the results. There is no word limit for research articles.
  • Research Communication: Research communications (not exceeding 2000 words) contain important new findings that are novel and of broad interest. They should include a brief abstract and an introductory paragraph. Text should NOT be broken up under subheads like Materials and Methods, Results and Discussion etc., otherwise same as that of Research articles.
  • Review: The review editors solicit reviews from those who have major contributions in the field of insect science. Although reviews are usually invited, non-solicited reviews will also be considered and authors wishing to present such reviews should contact the Chief Editor/ Review Editors in advance (word count can be 3000 to 7000).
  • Perspective and Opinion are also published occasionally as contributions from industry or experts.

All the research articles/ communications should be original, indicate period (years) of experimentation, based on data of minimum two years, must not be the work of more than 5 years old. Those with one year data in a field trial/ other experiments with limited data (in the form of a research communication) will also be considered by the Journal subject to discretion of the Editorial Board.

Editorial Board

The reviews, research articles, and research communications should not be >30, 20 and 7 typed pages including tables and figures, respectively. This page limit is only indicative, and subject to discretion of the Editorial Board. British spellings should be followed. Check adhering to the journal format - ABSTRACT, MATERIALS AND METHODS, RESULTS AND DISCUSSION, separate “Conclusions” NOT allowed. Articles should be computer- typed (Times New Roman, font 12), double spaced throughout on A-4 size, portrait, all around 1” margins, in MS Word. Avoid unnecessary italics (only scientific names in italics, all others normal), unnecessary bold (only title, author names, subheadings like MATERIALS AND METHODS, RESULTS AND DISCUSSION, REFERENCES, ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS, FINANCIAL SUPPORT, AUTHOR CONTRIBUTION STATEMENT, CONFLICTS OF INTEREST / COMPETING INTERESTS in bold). Hardcopies of articles, CD/ floppy are not accepted. Submissions are not accepted solely over email. The hard copy/ CD submissions are now replaced with ONLINE submission of files in the online platform (www.indianentomology.org) of the Society. Immediate charges to the online plateform and submissions are forthcoming and authors are required to peruse these from website before submission. Softcopies of the articles submitted in the online platform may be additionally submitted along with article submission reference number in email of the Society (entosocindia@gmail.com). Figures which may require a specific resolution in >250 dpi, are to be sent over the above referred email of the Society.

After submissions, authors are necessarily required to look into their email/ society or our OJMS website for communications from the Society, with peer review/ reviewer comments/ online reviews. Online first previews are published as PDFs with eRef. No. and doi number. Authors must peruse such updates and respond promptly. The Journal/ Society will not be responsible if authors fail in this. When revising articles after peer review, all queries marked in the annotated MS by editor/ reviewer(s) must be replied, along with a compliance statement, and returned back promptly within 60 days. If not adhered to this timeline, it will be considered as NEW SUBMISSION. The priority date for publication is the date on which the revised MS is received and date of fulfilling the article processing charges/ membership. Authors are directed to expedite these in the interest of quick publication of their articles.

The Society has a platform of “PREVIEW” for the papers for Online First pdfs with eRef. No. and doi, and on open access. Authors are to keep abreast of the announcements in this regard in the ESI website: entosocindia.org or OJMS website at indianentomology.org. Authors must use this for all purposes as proof of publication and send the corrections/ comments if any, within a fortnight of this online publication. Also, the Journal is making efforts for improvements in these processes which might require authors’ response; the authors have to continuously peruse the websites for further details. From 2019 all articles published are subjected to JATS (Journal Article Tag Suite)- an XML format used to describe scientific literature published online. The benefit of XML is that files are machine-readable and searchable. This means that these files can be accessed, read and indexed by the search engines (including Google Scholar, Bing, Google, etc.), which will improve the citation of the Journal.

Each author must be member of the Society (annual subscription fee Rs. 1000/- per member; for new members admission fee of Rs. 100 and membership form duly filled in are required). For each article a processing fee of Rs. 1000/- is to be paid. Overseas articles are encouraged, given priority and a lumpsum processing charge of US $ 100/ paper is charged usually; there are waivers for these, which can be enquired over email after making online submissions. Immediate charges are forthcoming and authors are required to peruse these from website. Watch the website for updates on the membership forms and payments online. These charges may be also paid in exceptional cases by demand drafts/ multicity cheques drawn in favour of “Entomological Society of India.” payable at New Delhi. For payments online with credit/debit/NEFT etc. an online link with ICICI EASYPAY is available on the website under membership Tab. The Journal is migrating to a new System of APC (Article Processing Charges) and w.e.f. 1.04.2022 authors are required to peruse these from the websites.

Article Processing Charges (APC)

The following article processing charges (APC) for publication in IJE are effective 1st January/ April 2022. The Journal is transforming into an open access peer-reviewed one from 1st January 2022, and APC will be charged from authors. The APC is estimated on the number of pages of publication, and is based on the standards of income in developing countries. The APC includes an annual membership fee of the Entomological Society of India for first/ corresponding authors (who are presently not members) as preferred by the authors. The Journal is also committing publication of the article (after due peer review etc) within a period of six months of submission/ three months of acceptance with the payment of APC.

The following charges are applicable for the accepted articles in IJE effective 1st January/ April 2022*:

CategoriesCharges (Non-members)Charges


Full Length Articles: Research Article, Research Communications and Reviews (<36 printed pages).

Monographs (Articles of 36 printed pages or more, up to 64 pages). Special issues or larger issues will be calculated on a case-by-case basis.

INR 7,000/USD 120INR 5,000/USD 100

INR 15,000/USD 300INR 10,000/USD 250

*Includes an annual membership fee of the Entomological Society of India (ESI) for first/ corresponding author; the rates given in US $ is for the overseas submissions.

The APC are calculated considering various situations, including ability to pay for publication for those who are unaided or underfunded; also taking into account the production expenses (to break even), and as incurred now. Waiver of APC in full or partially in some cases like those of authors/ students from developing countries/ overseas is under consideration. Please write to the Chief Editor upon acceptance of the article with details. Visit the website of the ESI for details. Invited submissions are exempted from this totally.

Authors have the options to follow the above new system/ continue with existing guidelines until 30th April, 2022.

All submissions are to be made online through online submission system i.e., www.indianentomology.org, which also serves as the online peer review system. Authors to note that www.indianentomology.org and its role stops with online submission. Immediate changes are forthcoming and authors are required to peruse these from website as regards Article Process changes. Authors are directed to use website ESI website: entosocindia.org or OJMS website at indianentomology.org for all purposes. Submissions in the old system at indianjournal. com will not be entertained w.e.f. 1.4.2022 For follow up like membership/ processing fee/ other details the authors are required to refer the website of the Society i.e., www.entoscindia.org. Details, including bank details for payment are available herein. In case of online payment, it is essential to send transaction details along with Membership form (for new members) once payment is done, only then receipt will be sent. These transaction details, membership form etc., can be sent in the email of the Society i.e., entosocindia@gmail.com. The postal address for the sending of DD/ Cheque is Entomological Society of India, Division of Entomology, IARI, New Delhi 110012. Authors to note that a convenient payment gateway with ICICI is now available on the website and authors are urged to use this facility. Immediate charges are forthcoming and authors are required to peruse these from website.

For Research Article

The following are the detailed guidelines for the submissions Submissions not adhering to these will be summarily rejected

Article Title should be short, specific and informative. It should include the name(s) of author(s), affiliation (institution/ university, and these without abbreviations to be given in full), and mailing address (PIN CODE is must), with Email of corresponding author (other email, fax and phone numbers NOT allowed). Authors are to include their 16-digit ORCID id in the line after email: If authors doesn’t have ORCID, register at https://orcid.org/ and get the ID, it is free of cost. Preferably a running short title not >40 characters can be given. By- line should contain the place (organization) where the research was conducted. Author names to be without any titles like Mr. Ms. Dr., etc, and professional affiliations like Professor (official positions NOT to be included). If essential, these can be given as footnotes separately. Must use only superscripts of numerals for indications, no other diacritic marks/ symbols allowed; no foot notes to be used for this purpose, all to be brought along with address. Authors have to refer the recent issue of the Journal for following these carefully and may contact over email for any specific queries. Title and authors” names are to be in uppercase capitals, with corresponding author clearly indicated. Authors are directed to peruse the Online First from the website or current issue of Journal for adhering to the format fully.

Abstract written in complete and simple sentences, should not be >150 words. It must be true summary of what is given in the results as important findings, introductory is not to be part of this. Key words (ten to fifteen) must be given; include only words which are not present in the title and these should appear just beneath the abstract.

Introduction must be brief and limited to the problem or the aim and scope of the experiment. It has to be without any title heading. No irrelevant/ unwanted things, only one or two sentences on general introduction to be given and straight come to the importance and focus of the article in as less space as possible. Only relevant current references to be cited herein. Must end with a sentence stating the present study- why done, and what is covered.

Materials and Methods must include experimental design and the technique(s) used along with appropriate statistical methods used along with the year of experimentation (field and laboratory). More than five years old data not accepted. Must provide where work was conducted (with GPS data), experimental details like treatments, doses, replications, and in field experiments- the plot size, crops’ variety, season, spacing etc., design, statistical analysis and its software version to be included. Check for details like °C (proper use), RH in laboratory experiments, also whether standard methodology is given (But not explained too elaborately - citing standard reference will be enough; formula like the one for working out % to be avoided). Routine/ standard methodologies to be brief. No need of figures for these. Trade names alone are NOT entertained in chemicals/ insecticides. Authors are directed to pay attention to the Disclaimer Statement given in the journal.Subheadings/ Tables NOT allowed herein. The scientific names/ identification of species included in the articles must be authentic. In their own interest authors are instructed to get/ ensure proper identification of species names included in the articles. Ensuring due credit to the experts who assisted in this process is advised. The deposition of voucher specimens in renowned repositories is mandatory and is advised before such submissions are made to the Journal. Articles with new species/ genus/ other taxa descriptions must include Zoo Bank registration details with registration number and date. Authors are directed to not use the common names of insects/ others, except for the first mention is abstract and body of the text, and alongwith full scientific names with author. All subsequent usage should be only scientific names.

Results and Discussion should be combined, to avoid repetition. Results should be supported by brief but adequate tables or graphic or pictorial presentations, wherever necessary. Self-explanatory tables should be typed on separate sheets; tables should fit in the normal page lay-out. All recent relevant literature should be discussed critically. All figures including drawings, graphs and diagrams should be formatted preferably in MS Word. If drawn in Excel, the data file may also be submitted along with graphs. Scanned images of photographs must be on quality glossy paper (if send in hard copy), and softcopy should be in separate file (minimum 300 dpi resolution), in jpeg or tiff format. Hardcopies are to be avoided. Line drawings and photographs should have legends. Figures to be reduced to smallest optimum size, arranged in as less space as possible and continuosly numbered. Use of word PLATE not allowed. Repetition in graphic and tabular matter ought to be avoided. Verbatim reproduction of all data included in Tables in the results is not allowed; only highlights and significant results are to be included in the Results and Discussion. It is advisable to place all tables and figures after the references at the end. While submitting images in soft copy required minimum resolution of 250 dpi must be adhered to.

Acknowledgements to follow current style as practiced in the Journal, check for uniformity, and brevity.

Financial Support. Authors must acknowledge financial support received in clear terms here under separate heading. This has to be avoided under acknowledgements.

Author Contribution Statement. Authors must provide a short description of the contributions made by each listed author (please use initials). This will be published in a separate section in front of the Acknowledgments. For example: AM and DB conceived and designed research. AM and BB conducted experiments. GR contributed new reagents and/or analytical tools. AM, BB and GR analyzed data. AM wrote the manuscript. All authors read and approved the manuscript.

Conflicts Of Interest / Competing Interests. Authors must declare if any conflict of interest exist as a separate document along with the article. If it does not exist this must be clearly stated herein.

References. Journal follows almost the universal style, with journal names given in full as given below: Research article- Khandelwal P, Choudhury D, Ajanta B, Reddy M K, Gupta G P, Banerjee N. 2004. Insecticidal pilin subunit from the insect pathogen Xenorhabdus nematophila. Journal of Bacteriology 186(19): 6465-6476. Proceedings/ Seminar/ Conference papers- Rembold H, Forster H, Czoppelt C H. 1987. Structure and biological activity of azadirachtins A and B. Proceedings. Third neem conference, Nairobi, 1986. pp. 149-160.

Book And Chapters Painter R H. 1951. Insect resistance in crop plants. McMillan Company, New York. 520 pp. Prakash V. 1996. Status distribution and breeding biology of lesser spotted eagle Aquila pomanna hastate in Keoladeo National Park. pp. 357-375.

Meyburg B U, R D Chancellor (eds.). Eagle Studies. World Working Group on Birds of Prey (WWGBP), London. 670 pp.

Internet Resources Author. Year. Title of website, database or other resources, Publisher name and location (if indicated), number of pages (if known). Available from: http://xxx.xxx.xxx/ (Date of access). The authors are required to verify that the included references are cited in the text, and those that are cited are listed alphabetically in the REFERENCES Section. References from the recent five years period should be atleast 25% of all references.

Authors must take enough care to follow spacing, full-stop, colon, semi colon, comma etc., as per journal format. The format and style for listing to be strictly adhered to, for which current issue/ online first published papers from website can be referred. Any submission found lacking in these basics will be summarily rejected.

For Research Communication

Authors to follow the above instructions in full, except that it will have no headings like Materials and Methods and Results and Discussion but these to be provided in separated paragraphs. In all other aspects the format is same as the Research Article.

For Review

Except for Materials and Methods/ Results and Discussion (no such headings will be there) these are same as above. Authors to peruse the Reviews published in the current issue/ online published once from website for strict adherence. Reviews must subscribe to the prerequiste of plagiarism check and a check report to be appended alongwith submission. Invited Reviews also follow these guidelines.

Submissions must adhere to the above instructions. Authors are required to peruse the publication ethics/ essential requirements given under the “Ethics and malpractice statement” of the Journal. This statement covers details about the publisher, nature of manuscripts published, editorial board, executive committee, duties and responsibilities of Chief Editor/ Editorial Board/ Reviewers and Authors, Peer Review process, Publication ethics, Copyright access, Archiving, Principles of transparency, Best practices, Ownership and such aspects of Journal publishing. This statement is published in every issue and also available in the website of the Society. Submissions are acknowledged/ processed with the understanding that authors subscribe to the ethics/ requirements by default. Articles not adhering to the above are liable to be rejected. Authors can contact the Chief Editor for any queries/ grievance etc., at the Email- entosocindia@gmail.com


Before submitting articles or initiating/ renewing membership first peruse the details from the website www.entosocindia.org or the OJMS website: indianentomology.org. Article submissions are mandatorily to be online at the OJMS website: indianentomology.org (it is the online peer review platform). Acceptance of submission/ priority for publication is subject to fulfilling the requirements of article processing charges and membership requirements of the Society. It is essential for authors to peruse the website/ their email continuously, after submission to get to know the progress/ attend to details that will arise in the publication of their articles. Communications related to these may be addressed to: The Chief Editor, Entomological Society of India, Division of Entomology, IARI, Pusa, New Delhi-110 012 and at Email- entosocindia@gmail.com

For Overseas Transactions

SWIFT SBININBB550, State Bank of India, Ajmal Khan Road, Karol Bagh, New Delhi- 110005, India. A/C name: Entomological Society of India Current Account No. 11084230887 at State Bank of India, NSC Bheej Bhavan, Pusa campus, New Delhi110012 (IFSC Code SBIN0005389, if required).

For Domestic Transactions

For Online/ NEFT payments the details are as follows: State Bank of India, NSC Bheej Bhavan, Pusa campus, New Delhi-110012, A/C name: Entomological society of India, Current Account No. 11084230887. IFSC code: SBIN 0005389. For one stop/click payment nodes, now a link is available with ICICI payment gateway (PAY NOW) See under Tab-Membership in the website of the Society. Authors are encouraged to use this for convenience. This payment link is available under Membership/ Fellow Heading. NEFT/ SWIFT transactions are to be followed up with communication of the transaction/ other details in Email entosocindia@gmail.com

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