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Aims and Scope

The main objective of the Society is to encourage and promote the dissemination of entomological knowledge. It arranges interactions of entomologists at the headquarters and at various places where the branches/chapters of the Society are getting initiated. The annual general body meetings are held regularly and whenever necessary. These interactions provide opportunities to the members and others interested in the subject to keep in touch with the entomological activities, both in India and abroad. The Society has chapters, each with a minimum of 25 members and these conduct events for the promotion of Entomology.

The membership of the Society is open to all persons, above 18 years of age, who are interested in Entomology. Ordinary members have to pay an admission fee of Rs. 100/- and an annual subscription (pdf only) of Rs. 1000/-. From 2019, on payment of Rs. 15100/- one can have the option of straightaway becoming Life Member. Life membership had been restricted earlier to only those who have completed five years as ordinary members, but this condition has been waived off now, for some fixed duration. These payments are required to be made by NEFT transaction or in the form of DD or multicity cheque payable at New Delhi in favour of “Entomological Society of India”. NEFT details are given below. Life Members who wish to be considered as Fellows of the Society may send two copies of their biodata to the Entomological Society of India, Room No. 4A, Division of Entomology, IARI, New Delhi 110012. The biodata of the members will be screened by the competent committee of the Society before the declaration of the Fellows of the Society (FESI). The Society may occasionally elect Honorary Members, persons well known for their services to the cause of Entomology. For more details see website-www.entosocindia.org.

Articles submitted for publication must adhere to the Journal’s current format and style and the Instructions to authors given in the website of the Society i.e., www.entosocindia.org. Each article will require a processing fee of Rs. 1000, to be made by NEFT transaction or in the form of DD or multicity cheque payable at New Delhi in favour of “Entomological Society of India”. NEFT details are given below. The processing fee is non-refundable. It is obligatory that each author must be a member of the Society and articles are to submitted online at the online submission/ review platform i.e., www.indianjournals.com. A PAYNOW link is provided in the website under Membership for facilitating online payments which can be used.

The Indian Journal of Entomology: The official publication of the Society was started in 1939. Since 1956, it is being published as a quarterly Journal and the four parts are published each in March, June, September and December. It is online published from 2008 (Volume 70) onwards (through indianjournal.com). This is going to be open access w.e.f 2021 Volume 83 for which processing is on.

Bionotes: This publication is privately issued by late Dr R K Varshney from Aligarh. Its online version is hosted by the Society in the website.

Memoirs: Whenever suitable material and finances are available, the Society issues special numbers in the form of Memoirs. Sixteen such Memoirs on different topics have been published so far.

The Bulletin of Entomology: This publication, which was privately issued from erstwhile Madras, had been taken over by the Society from 1967. The Bulletin is an occasional, irregular publication, containing papers on bionomics, taxonomy, morphology etc. Subscription for the Bulletin of Entomology is Rs. 1000/- annually. Any entomologist who wishes to publish lengthy manuscripts can use this.

Indian Entomologist: It is a biannual online Magazine published by the Entomological Society of India

The Journal of Grain Storage Research: Its single issue was brought out in April 2016. It was to be taken up further by the Society for Grain Storage Research, under the “indiastorage forum” which is still under formation. Any entity who/ which will like to take up this under the banner of the Entomological Society of India, may contact the Chief Editor.

Reprints: Reprints will not be supplied. The Journal is available online and PDF of the papers published can be provided on specific request.

Disclaimer: Articles published herein report the results of research done by the authors. Mention of a proprietary product/commercial formulation/pesticide does not constitute recommendations or endorsement for its use by the Journal/Entomological Society of India. Use of registered trade names/ trademarks etc., used in the articles even without specific indications thereof, are not to be considered unprotected by law. All articles published in the Journal are signed by the authors, unless otherwise stated and solely reflect the individual views of the authors and not necessarily any official view of the Journal/Society. The Journal/Society assumes no responsibility for the contents/completeness/views/other items/accuracy of the conclusion reported therein. Submissions made by the authors are by default deemed to have satisfied the journal publication policy and the publications ethics pronounced clearly on the issues of the Journal and website.

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