Guidelines to Contributors
Articles submitted should be based on original research conducted on rainfed Agriculture. The data should be of recent origin.
All authors should be members of the society.
The length of the manuscripts of reviews, research articles and short communications should not exceed 18,12 and 4 typed pages respectively.
All manuscripts should be typed in English in double space throughout, on A4 size paper with 2.5 cm margin all around and following the format of the latest issue of journal.
All Figures/Illustrations or photographs should be of good quality and suitable for reduction. Figures and illustrations essentially be drawn on good quality butter paper or in MS Excel or MS Power Point separately and should be sent along with the manuscript.
References cited in the text should be listed alphabetically.
The authors should send hard copy of the manuscript in duplicate along with a “CD” containing the file in MS-Word to the Chief Editor.
The Editorial Board reserves the right to suitably modify, accept or reject the manuscript.
The papers not conforming to the guidelines will be rejected and no future correspondence will be entertained.
Rejected manuscripts will not be returned.
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