Cell mediated immune responses in experimentally induced ochratoxicosis in broiler chickens Agnihotri D., Kumar S.*, Jindal N. Department of Veterinary Public Health and Epidemiology, College of Veterinary Sciences, CCS Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar-125004 (Haryana). *Corresponding author: e.mail - sureshumar.hau@mail.com.
Abstract A study was conducted to determine the effect of oral feeding of ochratoxin A (OA) on cell mediated immune response in broiler chicks. For this, day-old chicks were divided into three groups (Groups A, B, and C). Chicks of group A vaccinated with Salmonella Gallinarum formalin killed vaccine @ 2x106 cfu 0.4 ml−1 showed consistently high levels of No2− up to 6 weeks post inoculation (PI); maximum concentration of 110.16 μ mol/106 cells was observed at 3 weeks PI. Whereas, the mean concentration in OA fed and S. Gallinarum vaccinated chicks (group B) was found to be 78.33 and 67.45 μ mol/106 cells at 3 and 6 weeks PI, respectively. Chicks in group C acted as adjuvanted control. Following challenge, the chicks of group A exhibited maximum NO2− concentration at 2 weeks post challenge. Immunosuppression due to OA might have led to lower levels of NO2− production in group B chicks as compared to group A chicks with maximum NO2− concentration of 78.33 μ mol/106 cells at 3 weeks PI and 95.39 μ mol/106 cells at 2 weeks post challenge. Based on the various findings it is observed that reduced NO2− production in the peripheral mononuclear cells is due to dietary ochratoxicosis in broiler chickens showing a reduction in cell mediated immune responses. Top | | |
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