In vitro phagocytic response of neutrophils of catfishes (Clarias batrachus and Heteropneustes fossilis) subjected to Flavobacterium Columnare and Myxobacterium Verma V., Prasad Y.* Aquatic Biotechnology and Fish Pathology Laboratory, Department of Animal Science, M.J.P. Rohilkhand University, Bareilly - 243 006, (UP). *Corresponding author.
Abstract To know the impact of neutrophils on fish pathogenic bacteria, Flavobacterium columnare and Myxobacterium in vitro culture of blood samples of normal and experimentally infected C. batrachus and H. fossilis was made. Microscopic evaluation of in vitro neutrophils connoted the presence of round shaped cell with an array of dense granules and having large cytoplasm to nucleus ratio and eccentrically bilobed or ovoid nuclei. The phagosomes were generally absent in the neutrophils of asymptomatic catfish but present in the neutrophils of catfish (CB and HF) experimentally infected with Flavobacterium columnare and Myxobacterium. Results of bacterial killing assay suggested that there was declination in the bacterial population and appears to be similar to the other teleosts. Occurrence of peak phagocytic index (PI) was close to zero at 0h and maximum values at 1-3h clearly explicates the phagocytic mechanisms of neutrophil cells. Significantly (P<0.05) declination in the cfu value of F. columnare and Myxobacterium in immunized fish in comparison to healthy ones revealed that they might have been phagocytosed by the neutrophils of immunized fishes and hence their numbers decreased in PI cases. It seems that neutrophils are actively involved in phogocytosis process of catfish infected with columnaris disease. Top | | |
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