Characterization of Stimulator cells in the Caprine Primary Mixed Lympocyte Reaction and Oxidative Mitogenesis Ananda Chitra M.2, Ram G.C.1, Goswami T.K.1 1Immunology Section Indian Veterinary Research Institute Izatnagar - 243 122 (U.P.) 2Veterinary Assistant Surgeon, CB&FD, Sivagangai, Tamilnadu Primary mixed leucocyte reaction and oxidative mitogenesis are the two most common and reliable assay systems used to demonstrate the stimulating capacity of antigen presenting cells. Mitomycin C treated and not treated macrophages (MF) and B cells were used as stimulator to the T cells which were treated with sodium periodate (oxidative mitogenesis) or without treatment (Mixed leucocyte reaction, MLR). The magnitude of proliferation associated with MF and B cell function in oxidative mitogenesis was at least 2-fold higher than MLR. Both B cells and MF did not vary much in their ability as accessory cells in MLR as well as in oxidative mitogenesis. Mitomycin C treated or untreated stimulator cells had similar effect. Top | | | |
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