Standardization of a polymerase chain reaction for the species-specific identification of Listeria monocytogenes Balamurugan J., Bhilegaonkar K.N.*, Agarwal R.K. Division of Veterinary Public Health Indian Veterinary Research Institute Izatnagar - 243122 (UP) *Correspondong author E-mail: knb@ivri.up.nic.in
Listeria monocytogenes is an important foodborne pathogen. The presence of the organism in wide variety of foods both animal and plant origin is of a major concern to public health. PCR was standardized by targeting the hlyA gene of L. monocytogenes which produced a 731 bp product. The amplicon was further confirmed by nested PCR and HinfI digestion. The primers specifically amplified only L. monocytogenes isolates. The minimum detection level of PCR with primer set no.1 was found to be 103 cells/ml with pure culture. Top | | | |
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