Pathogenicity of fowl adenovirus serotype - 4 isolated from case of hydropericardium syndrome Deepak J.N., Kataria J.M.*, Dhama K., Somvanshi R., Verma K.C. Division of Avian Diseases, Indian Veterinary Research Institute, Izatnagar (U.P.) - 243122 *Corresponding Author Email: jmohan@ivri.up.nic.in
Pathogenicity of fowl adenovirus serotype 4 (FAdV-4) associated with hydropericardium of chicken was studied in broiler chicks of one day and 2 weeks of age, inoculated either by oral or intraperitoneal route at the viral dose of 3.66 TCID50/0.1ml per chick. Infected chicks were monitored regularly for clinical signs and mortality, and were also scarified at different intervals to study the gross and histopathological lesions produced by the virus. Infected chicks did not show any specific clinical signs until before death when chicks showed dullness and stopped taking feed and water. Mortality varying from 6–40 percent was recorded in the experimentally infected chicks. Grossly typical hydropericardium with pericardial sac distended with clear straw-coloured fluid, enlarged liver and kidneys with congestion and haemorrhages, and atrophy of thymus, spleen and bursa. Lesions were more pronounced from 3 to 7 days post infection. Histologically there was severe depletion of lymphocytes in thymus, bursa and spleen, degenerative changes in heart and liver with presence of intranuclear inclusion bodies in hepatocytes. Lesions were more severe in 2 week old chicks than those in day old chicks. The mean percentage ratio of bursa and spleen to body weight was significantly decreased, while that of liver increased in infected chicks. The present study revealed that the isolated FAdV-4 was able to reproduce the characteristic disease in susceptible chicks. Top | | | |
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