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Guidelines For Authors

Indian Journal of Comparative Microbiology, Immunology and Infectious Diseases, an official organ of the Indian Association of Veterinary Microbiologists, Immunologists and Specialists in Infectious Diseases (IAVMI) publishes the articles of original research work pertaining to the Microbiology / Comparative Microbiology, Immuonology, Vaccinology, Zoonotic diseases; Infectious diseases of livestock, Poultry, Fish & wild animals, and Review articles related to the above areas.

Types of Paper

  • Original research articles
  • Review articles
  • Short communications

Original Research Papers (Research Papers)

Articles must be as concise as possible and as a general rule they should not occupy more than 8 printed journal pages, including figures, tables and references (about 20 manuscript pages, Times New Roman 12 pt, double-spaced, minimum 2 cm margins) and should be written in English.

The original research papers should be sub-divided as follows:

i. First page should contain title of the paper, name of the authors (only initials of given name and surname should be provided), author's affiliations and postal addresses and email, phone and fax numbers of corresponding author.

ii. Second page should contain abstract giving brief and self-contained summary of the paper. Abstract should not be longer than 150 words and up to five keywords should be provided. Below the abstract running title should be given.

iii. Introduction containing a brief consideration of the problem, short survey of the relevant literature and aim of the work

iv. Materials and Methods including adequate and head-wise description of techniques and the experimental plan

v. Results and Discussion

vi. Acknowledgements

vii. References.


The list of references as per the format such as:

Chomczynski, P., Sacchi, N. (1987).Single step method of RNA isolation by acid guanidium thiocyanate- phenol– chloroform extraction. Anal. Biochem., 162: 156–159.

For multiple authors format should be:

Audarya, S.D., Sanyal, A., Mohapatra, J.K., Pattnaik, B. (2015). Polymearse chain reaction for amplification of IL-1ß gene from peripheral blood mononuclear cells of cattle. Indian J. Comp. Microbiol. Immunol. Infect. Dis., 36: 87-89


Mohinuddin, S.M. (2007). Infectious diseases of domestic animals.1stedn.International Book Distributing Co. Lucknow.

Chapter in Edited Book

Prasad, G., Sreenivasulu, D., Singh, K.P., Mertens, P.P.C., Maan, S. (2009). Bluetongue in the Indian subcontinent. In: Mellor, P.P., Baylis, M and Mertens, P.P. (Eds). Bluetongue. Academic Press, London. pp 167-195.


Giridharan, P. (2003). Development and evaluation of a multiplex PCR for differentiation of foot and mouth disease virus serotypes in India. MVSc Thesis, IVRI, Izatnagar, India.

References in the text to literature in the Reference list should be given by placing in parenthesis the name(s) of the author(s), adding the year of publication (e.g.: Chomczynski and Sacchi, 1987). For more than two authors, first author plus et al. is used (e.g.: Audarya et al., 2015).

viii. Tables, illustrations and diagrams should be given on separate sheets.

Review Article

“Review Articles” including illustrations, tables and literature references - should not exceed 30 typewritten pages. The number of illustrations and tables must be kept to a minimum.

Short Communications

“Short Communications” shall report result of sufficient significance to merit publication in advance of a more comprehensive paper, which confirms and adds to the existing knowledge but the data are not sufficient to justify a full paper. It should also contain a brief Introduction and the methodology. However, methods used must be adequately described with relevant references(s). Such communication should not exceed four printed pages including title, reference and figures, illustrations, photographs or tables. It should be written as running matter without any subheading.

Manuscripts should be submitted electronically via the online submission site at http://www.indianjournals.com/ijor.aspx?target=ijor:ijcmiid&type=home. Manuscripts should be uploaded as Word (.doc) or Rich Text Format (.rft) files (not write-protected) plus separate figure files. GIF, JPEG, PICT or Bitmap files are acceptable for submission, but only high-resolution TIF or EPS files are suitable for printing.If assistance is needed (or if for some reason online submission is not possible), the Editorial Office can be contacted and will readily provide any help users need to upload their manuscripts.

Ethics and Consent

Manuscript includes animal experiments or clinical trials must be conducted with approval by the Institute Animal Ethical Committee.

Processing Charges

There is no processing/ publication fee for authors and co-authors.

Editorial Office: Dr. Awadh Bihari Pandey, Emailijcmid.abp@gmail.com

Any queries related to submitted article may be sent to Dr. Awadh Bihari Pandey, Editor-in-Chief, IJCMID, ICAR Central Avian Research Institute (ICAR-CARI), Izatnagar, Bareilly-243122 (U.P.).

Please strictly follow the format of the journal for manuscript writing.

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