Email id

Editorial Board


Prof (Dr) R.K. Sharma,
    Dean (R &D), Saraswathi Institute of Medical Sciences, Hapur, Uttar Pradesh
    Formerly at All-India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi
    E mail editor.ijocm@gmail.com

National Advisory Board

Dr. Gajendra Kumar Gupta,
    Professor, Community Medicine Department,
    Santosh Medical College Ghaziabad (UP) - 201 009.

Prof Dr. G Kannan,
    Head of the Department of Dermatology & Deputy Medical Superintendent,
     Vinayaka Mission's Kirupananda Variyar Medical college & Hospital,
    Salem,- 636008, Tamil Nadu

Dr. V. K. Katyal,
    Sr. Prof. Deptt. of Medicine,
    PGIMS, Rohtak

Dr. Harpreet Singh,
    Sr. Prof Deptt. of Medicine,
    PGIMS, Rohtak

Prof Geeta Deshmukh,
    Pathology, Sharda University,
    Greater Noida

Dr Ajay Deshmukh,
    Cardiology, Sharda University,
    Greater Noida

Scientific Committee

Dr. Geeta Gupta,
    Assistant Professor, Microbiology Department,
    Santosh Medical College Ghaziabad (UP) - 201 009.

DR. V. Ravikumar,
    Associate Professor, Dept of Anatomy,
    S.I.M.S. & R.C. Purlae, N.H.13,
    H.H.Road, SHIMOGA, Karnataka.

Dr. Siri A.M.,
    Associate Professor in Anatomy,
    S.I.M.S. & RC Shimoga.

Dr Anju Ade,
    Associate Prof, Community Medicine Dept.
    Navodaya Medical College, Raichur, Karnataka

Kartavya J Vyas,
    Deployment Health Research Department,
    Naval Health Research Center, San Diego, CA (USA)

Dr Deepak Gupta,
    Microbiolgy, SIMS, Hapur

Dr Vidya Surwade,
    Community Medicine, SIMS, Hapur

Our Contact Info:

Dr R K Sharma
Editor, International Journal of Contemporary Medicine
Institute of Medico-Legal Publications
4th Floor, Statesman house building
Barakhamba Road, Connaught Place
New Delhi-110001
tel no: +91 - 09971888542
Fax no: +91 11 3044 6500

Email: editor.ijocm@gmail.com
Website: www.ijocm.org.in

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