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Indian Journal of Cryogenics

Publisher: Indian Cryogenics Council
Print ISSN: 0379-0479
Online ISSN: 2349-2120
Number of issues per year: 1
Print frequency: Annually
Month of publication: January

INDIAN CRYOGENICS COUNCIL is the apex professional society of personnel of Cryogenics and Low Temperature Physics and is popularly known as ICC. The aim of ICC is to promote education, advancemet and application of cryogenics in India through various activities such as organising seminars and workshops, training courses and publicaton of books and journals. Persons working in the field of Cryogenics/ Superconductivity / Low Temperature Physics under Government, Private Institutions and Industries are invited to take part in this Association by enrolling as an ICC Member. Membership form can be downloaded from the link which can be submitted to ICC through e-mail as an attachment.

Indexed in Indian Citation Index(RII - 0.040), Google Scholar, CNKI Scholar, EBSCO Discovery, Summon(ProQuest).

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