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Author Guidelines

General informations :

  1. Paper received for publication is being reviewed independently by referees and based on the feedback editorial board takes decision whether to be published with minor correction or to be returned to author with recommendation on additional work or analysis to consider publication in next volume.

  2. B. This is the only Indian journal where articles on cryogenic engineering are encouraged. Editorial board encourages work on indigenous development as an import substitution.

  3. C. Editorial board has decided to include at least one review article (by invitation) on each forthcoming issue in the field of Superconductivity, low temperature physics, cryogenic engineering or covering status of major cryogenic related project in India etc.

  4. D. The manuscript format is available in the ICC website : (http://www.iuac.res.in/reres/cryo/icc//icc.html) . Shortly format will be revised and a new format template will be available in the website.

All the papers received for publication in Indian Journal of cryogenics are reviewed by a large no of distinguished scientists from all over india in an honorary capacity.

Communication regarding contribution of paper, subscription for the journal should be addressed to :

General: icc.iuac@gmail.com


T.S. Datta
President, Indian Cryogenics Council
Inter- University Accelerator Centre
Aruna Asaf Ali Marg. New Delhi- 110067
Tel: 0091-11-26895668, 26893955,
Fax : 0091-11-26893666, email : tsdatta59@gmail.com


Dr. R G Sharma
Chief Editor-IJC
Email: icc.iuac@gmail.com

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