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Guidelines For Authors

Preparation of Manuscripts

A manuscript to be submitted for journal should be compiled in the following order: title page; abstract; keywords; main text introduction, materials and methods, results and discussion; funding details, acknowledgments; conflict of Interest; references. Table(s) with caption(s) (on individual pages); figures either in running text or at the end of the text whichever suitable. Author must confirm Data Availability Statement in case of research article. A general statement is given below-

Legal restrictions are imposed on the public sharing of raw data. However, authors have full right to transfer or share the data in raw form upon request subject to either meeting the conditions of the original consents and the original research study. Further, access of data needs to meet whether the user complies with the ethical and legal obligations as data controllers to allow for secondary use of the data outside of the original study.

FundingThe research was conducted with the kind and supports from Institute

Conflict of InterestsThe authors have declared no conflict of interests exist.

I. Manuscripts should be written in English; spelling and grammar must be checked well. Author may get help using Microsoft Office Tools. Authors whose native language is not English are strongly advised to have their manuscripts checked by an English-speaking colleague prior to submission. Author must ensure that manuscript has not been submitted in any journal.

II. Manuscripts should be type written in 10 size Times New Roman font with normal margins (1’ at top, bottom, left and right) and line spacing of 1.5 throughout including abstract, tables, footnotes and references. Scientific name, and local name which is absent in oxford dictionary should be represented as italics to emphasize it.

III. ‘Per’ (/) in text or table to be typed as superscript, e.g. yield/plant must be yield plant-1.

IV. ‘Per cent’ or ‘percentage’ in the text and table to be corrected as ‘%’.

V. ‘et al.’, ‘viz.’ should be presented as normal text, NOT in italics

VI. Manuscripts should be organized in the following order:

Title should be clear, descriptive, not too long typed in bold letter in upper-lower case. Use subjective statement only, e.g. Effect of Salinity on Morphological Characteristics of Seven Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Genotypes Differing in Salt Tolerance.

Title will be followed by name(s) of author(s) which will be followed by complete address of affiliation with PIN/ZIP, without designation, superscripted with numerical, e.g. R. K. Maiti1, H. G. Rodríguez2, N. C. Sarkar3 and S. K. Das4 followed by 1-4 address of affiliation. All authors of a manuscript should include their full name and affiliation on the cover page of the manuscript. Where available, please also include ORCiDs and social media handles (Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn).

All these to be arranged  in central alignment (including title) which will be followed by e-mail ID of corresponding author in left alignment indicated with an asterisk (*), e.g. R. K. Maiti1, H. G. Rodriguez2, N. C. Sarkar3* and S. K. Das4 *E-mail: ncsiari@rediffmail.com

Present address (es) of author(s), if applicable, should be given just below the particular author as below-1 National Research Centre on Mithun (ICAR), Jharnapani, Nagaland (797 106) India

Presently Veterinary University Training and Research Centre, TANUVAS, Salem (636 001) India just below the all addresses mentioned only in the first page.

E-mail ID will be followed by Abstract which will be followed by Keywords (indexing terms) maximum up to 8 words in lower case only,

e.g. Keywords: Genetic variability, pest resistance, high yielding variety (without a full stop at the end); within 8 words

Abstract should be stated clearly highlighting the objective, method and implication of the study within 220-250 words. No abbreviations should be used (for example; weedy check (W1), Weed free (W2) and so on.

1. Introduction: Must give the outline why the study was made. It must contain adequate references to support the statements, not less than 15.

2. Materials and Methods: Period and year of experiment should be clearly mentioned. In case of field experiment, author must give longitude and latitude of the location of investigation. In case of common and well known methods, author can only mention the name of the methods. We encourage author to write elaborately in case of new methodology or thoughts. In case of sub-headings, please follow

2.1. Study sites

2.2. Method of data collection

3. Results and Discussion: should be strengthened, Repetition of results should be avoided. Very importantly, each or a brief part of the results should be followed by discussion. Thus these two different parts go simultaneously. More than 3 Graphs may not be allowed. Please send excel sheet of the graph/ Photos (jpeg/tiff/bmp format) as separate attachment in replied mail.


Figure/bar diagram/artwork with caption In the Results and Discussion, second, third and fourth order headings, if any, should be typed in italics in lower case only (but not bold)in the following manner:

3.1. Average of phenotypic traits

3.1.1. Growth traits Birth weight

However, authors are suggested to limit level of headings preferably up to second order as far as possible.


Subscripts and superscripts should be clear.

Care must be taken to clearly show the difference between zero (0) and the letter ‘O’, and between one (1) and the letter ‘l’. Elaboration of the meaning of all symbols must be done immediately after the equation in which they are first used.

Use the solidus (/) instead of a horizontal line for simple fraction, e.g. 5/14

Equations should be numbered serially at the right-hand side in parenthesis, e.g. y=mcx.............(1)

Use root sign (\), and power of ‘e’ must be denoted as ‘exp.’

Levels of statistical significance should be represented as *p<0.05, **p<0.01 and ***p<0.001.

In chemical formulae, valence of ions to be presented as Mg2+, not Mg++; Isotope numbering as 3H; phosphate as P2O5.


Authors are obliged to accept the rules governing biological nomenclature as laid down in the International Code of Botanical Nomenclature, the International Code of Nomenclature of Bacteria, and the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature.

Binomial Latin names are used in accordance with International Rules of Nomenclature.

All biotica (crops, plants, insects, birds, mammals, etc.) should be identified by their scientific names when the English term is first used with the exception of common domestic animals.

Biocides and other organic compounds must be identified by their Geneva names when first used in the text. Active ingredients of all formulations should be identified likewise.

For chemical nomenclature, the conventions of the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry and the official recommendations of the IUPAC-IUB Combined Commission on Biochemical Nomenclature must be followed.


Table should be of convenient size. However, large tables may be adjusted after changing of layout from portrait to landscape. Reversing columns and rows will often reduce the dimensions of a table.

If many data are to be presented, an attempt should be made to divide them over two or more tables.

If results are already given in graphs or diagrams, tables should not be used. Double documentation is not acceptable.

Tables must be numbered in the run of the text. Text should include references to all tables.

ALL TABLES SHOULD BE PRESENT IN THE RUN OF THE TEXT, preferably after table number mentioned in bracket with a brief and self-explanatory title.

Title of table should be left aligned and kept inside the top row within the table in lower case (but not bold) letter only.

Use the international system of units (SI) as far as possible. If other units are mentioned, please give their equivalent in SI.

Column headings should be brief, but sufficiently explanatory with standard abbreviations of units of measurement (e.g. ‘Gram’ as ‘g’, ‘hectare’ as ‘ha’, ‘centimeter’ as ‘cm’, meter as ‘m’ etc.) in parenthesis.

Column headings should be centrally aligned in lower case (but not bold) letter only.

Figures/values/data inside the table should be centrally aligned, but descriptive data/information should be ‘justify’ aligned.

Figures/values in the column of the table should be uniform regarding the number of digits after decimal point. One can show either one or two digits after decimal point depending on the types of data or values, e.g. (100.0), (0.0), (3.1) or (100.00) (0.00) (3.19)

Vertical lines should not be used to separate a column.

Explanation, if any, essential for understanding the table should be given as a footnote inside the bottom last row of the table.

Graph/Bar Diagram/Artwork/Figure

All graphs or diagrams should have clarity to represent the values and should be well explained.

Avoid shading for better quality printing. Lines or bars of black and white will be preferred. If colored, authors need to pay extra charges.


In case of lack of knowledge or inability to follow the instructions as above, one may request Editor for further help after sending original excel data sheet.

Color Illustration

Make sure that artwork files are in an acceptable format (TIFF, JPEG, JPG, GIF) or pasted in MS Office files with correct resolution. IJBSM publishes picture or artwork in black and white only. However, author has right to get published it in color after payment of extra charges. For illustrations unable to be uploaded electronically hard copies will be accepted provided that all illustrations are high-quality printouts suitable for reproduction (including reduction) without retouching. Original photographs printed on glossy paper, very sharp and with good contrast must be submitted for reproduction. Do not mount photographs unless they form part of a composite figure. Photocopies of photographs will not be accepted.

4. Conclusion: should be precise, focused to the objective (within 80 words)

5. Further Research: Author may suggest future course of action/ research.

6. Acknowledgements: Including any additional information concerning research grants, etc. Not merely to the head of the institution, where he belongs.

7. References: Should Strictly Follow the Journal Style

All publications (except general type) cited in the text should be presented in a list of references at the end of the manuscript. List of references should be arranged alphabetically by authors’ names, and chronologically per author. In case of an author having more than one paper in a same year, it should be stated in following orders, e.g. 1995a, 1995b, and so on.

In the list, full title of publication must be given without abbreviation of any form.

The 1st letter of second line of the reference must be aligned at 4th word of the 1st line as shown in the following examples of reference

Chakraborthi, A.K., Rao, V.V., Shanker, M., Suresh Babu, A.V., 2001. Performance evaluation of an irrigation project using satellite   Remote Sensing, GIS and GPS Water Resources Group, NRSA. Project Report, February 2001, 168.

All references must contain page number, except electronic source.

Research work accepted for publication but not yet published should be referred to as ‘in press’, e.g. Lopez-Hernandez, J.M., Gonzalez-Rodriguez, H., Cantu-Silva, I., Ramirez-Lozano, R.G., Gomez-Meza, M.V., Pando-Moreno, M., Sarquis-Ramirez, J.I., Coria-Gil, N., Maiti, R.K., Sarkar, N.C. 2010. Adaption of native shrubs to drought stress, north-eastern Mexico. International Journal of Bio-resource and Stress Management 1(1), 15-20, in press.

AVOID listing of unpublished data source and personal communication in reference.

Authors are requested to take necessary permission while using copyrighted material from other sources (including the Web).

Be careful that manuscript should not have missing (mentioned in text but not in reference)or extra (not mentioned in text but in reference) references.

Use the following system for correct citation of references. Note the proper position of the punctuation:


Schlecht, E., Buerkert, A., Tielkes, E., Bationo, A., 2006. A critical analysis of challenges and opportunities for soil fertility restoration in Sudano-Sahelian West Africa. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems 76(2-3), 109-136.

Schermerhorn, T.,  2005. Has at-home glucose monitoring for management of diabetic dogs and cats come of age? Advances in Small Animal Medicine and Surgery 18(2), 1-3.


Maiti, R.K., Kumari, A., Thakur, A.K., Sarkar, N.C. 2016. Bioresource and Stress Management. Springer Nature. ISBN 978-981-10-0994-5. ISBN 978-981-10-0995-2 (eBook). DOI 10.1007/978-981-10-0995-2.

Dawn E. Christenson, 2008. Veterinary Medical Terminology (2nd Edn.). W.B. Saunders Company, 408.

Book Chapter

DeLacy, I.H., Cooper, M., Lawrence, P.K., 1990. Pattern analysis over years of regional variety trials: relationship among sites. In: Kang, M.S. (Ed.), Genotype by Environment Interaction and Plant Breeding. Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA, 189-213.

Linder, G., Bishop, C., Krest, S., 2010. Recent advancements in amphibian and reptile ecotoxicology. In: Sparling, D.W.,  Linder, G., Bishop, C.A., Krest, S. (Eds.), Ecotoxicology of Amphibians and Reptiles (2nd Edn.). CRC  Press, 944.

Proceeding/Conference/ Reports

Baker, A.J.M., Ewart, K., Hendry, G.A.F., Thorpe, P.C., Walker, P.L., 1999. The evolutionary basis of cadmium tolerance in higher plants. In: 4th International Conference on Environmental Contamination, Barcelona, 23-29.

Electronic Source

Anonymous, 2020. FAOSTAT Crop Statistics 2019. FAO of UN, International Fertilizer Industry Association. Available from http://www.fao.org/faostat/en/#data/QC. Accessed on 20th December, 2020.

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