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International Journal of Advanced Research in Management and Social Sciences
Year : 2016, Volume : 5, Issue : 2
First page : ( 10) Last page : ( 16)
Online ISSN : 2278-6236.

Research Capabilities of The Faculty Members of Cbea of Cagayan State University, Andrews Campus

Dr. Narag Edlyn R.*, Dr. Gannaban MA. Victoria C.*, Dr. Agustin Chona*

*Tuguegarao City, Cagayan

Online published on 5 May, 2016.


The study focused on the factors affecting the research capabilities of the College of Business Entrepreneurship and Accountancy faculty members which were categorized into four dimensions such as knowledge, financial, time and technical. The researchers made use of the descriptive-correlational method of research. As to the degree of perception of the respondents on the factors affecting their research capabilities, knowledge and time were rated “very equipped” and on technical and financial it was rated “very sufficient”. For the significant relationship of the research capabilities of the respondents when grouped with their personal profile, the researchers made use of the CHI-SQUARE test. The outcomes shows that the research capabilities of the respondents do not have significant relationship with their personal profile like age, sex, civil status, training/seminars attended and status in school, except the last item mentioned which is the part-time and regular status of the respondents which implies further that status of the respondents in school greatly affect their research capabilities.



Research Capabilities, CBEA, Status of Faculty, Four dimensions, Research Capabilities, Descriptive Correlational Method.


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