A study on coat colour in ongole calves* Vinoo R.1, Rao G. Narasimha1,2, Gupta B. Ramesh1,2, Rao K. Babu1 1Cattle Project, Lam Farm, Guntur-522 034, India. 2Department of Animal Genetics and Breeding, College of Veterinary Science, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad-500 030. *Forms part of Ph.D Thesis submitted by the first author to Acharya N.G. Ranga Agricultural University, Hyderabad. Abstract The data on 61 Ongole calves on the number of days for the change of coat colour from red at birth to white at later age were analyzed. The overall percentages of calves born with red and white coat were 47.21 and 52.79, respectively. The overall least squares mean number of days for change of coat colour in Ongole calves was 315.13±12.53 days. Period of birth had significant effect on the number of days to change the coat colour, while the season of birth and sex of calf had no significant influence. Top | | |
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