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Indian Journal of Animal Research
Year : 2007, Volume : 41, Issue : 1
First page : ( 68) Last page : ( 70)
Print ISSN : 0367-6722.

Feeding and management practices adopted by buffalo farmers under watershed area

Bainwad D.V., Deshmukh B.R., Thombre B.M., Chauhan D.S.*

Department of Animal Husbandry and Dairying, College of Agriculture, Latur-413 512 (M.S.), India.

*Adress for correspondance: D.S. Chauhan, College of Agriculture, Latur, District Latur-413 512 (M.S.), India.


During the study the data were collected from 200 rural buffalo farmers from different twenty villages under the watershed area of Parbhani district in Marathwada state. The maximum green (8.69), dry fodder (5.22) and concentrate (3.19) Kg, respectively made available to milch buffaloes was found in large farmers (F3) under watershed area owners provides their buffaloes for grazing during day and tie them at night (100 per cent), provide kaccha shed (77.50 per cent) with kaccha flooring (92.00 per cent) and part of residence (59.50 per cent). Before milking cleaning of udder, milk utensils, shed floor, shaving of buffaloes adopted by cent percent farmers. Due to availability of purebred he buffalo breeding bulls all buffalo owners used natural service method of breeding and were also well aware about adoption of vaccination (95.00 per cent).


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