Effect of papain on tenderization and functional properties of spent hen meat cuts Khanna N.*, Panda P.C. Department of Livestock Products Technology, CCS Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar-125 004, India. *Corresponding author.
Abstract Spent hen leg cuts were treated with different concentrations of papain (0, 0.025, 0.05, 0.075 and 0.1%) at 3 and 5% levels (w/w) to improve the tenderness of meat. Papain with 0.025% concentration and at 3% level produced significantly (P≤0.05) more tender meat than control (0%) group. The above selected concentration and level were tried using both the multiple injection and the infusion plus forking technique in breast cuts. It was observed that papain at the above said concentration and level using infusion plus forking technique could significantly (P≤0.05) increase the pH, salt soluble protein, water holding capacity (WHC), emulsifying capacity and emulsion stability irrespective of cuts with lower values in leg as compared to breast cuts except the pH which was higher in leg cuts. Top | | |
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