Effect of ionophores on immunity to Eimeria tenella field isolates* Yadav Anish**, Gupta S.K.† Department of Veterinary Parasitology, CCS Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar-125 004, India. †Corresponding author, Tel: 01662-238636. E-mail: drsurengupta@rediffmail.com
*Part of M.V.Sc thesis submitted by the first author to CCS HAU, Hisar. **Present address: Division of Parasitology, FVSc and A.H., Jammu. Abstract Three Eimeria tenellafield isolates from Gurgaon district of Haryana (North India) were studied in a battery test for evaluating the effect of currently used ionophores, maduramicin (5 ppm) and salinomycin (60 ppm) on development of immunity. Broiler birds (Ross Strain) were infected with 105 sporulated oocysts each at the age of 2 weeks (day 0) and prophylactic medication commenced 2 days prior to infection. The birds were challenged with 2 x 105 sporulated oocysts each at the age of 4 weeks i.e. after a withdrawal period of 7 days. The effect of medication on development of immunity was assessed by calculating the per cent interference in the development of immunity for individual ionophore compound based on weight gain, lesion score and mortality (per cent survival). Present study revealed negligible immunity interference with Gurgaon isolate-I and III by both the ionophores whereas, slight interference in immunity development was observed with isolate-II. Top | | |
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