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Indian Journal of Animal Research
Year : 2007, Volume : 41, Issue : 1
First page : ( 26) Last page : ( 30)
Print ISSN : 0367-6722.

Economic aspects of livestock enterprise in a semi-arid watershed

Mondal Biswajit, Loganandhan N., Channabasappa K.

Central Soil and Water Conservation Research and Training Institute, Research Centre, Bellary-583 104, Karnataka, India.


Study was conducted in a semi-arid watershed with the objective to analyse the economic aspects of livestock enterprise. The study revealed that expenditure on feed and fodder and family labour formed the chunk among the different cost components. Average maintenance cost and returns from buffalo was highest compared to other type of animals. Labour use pattern reveals that the human labour input in livestock rearing was mostly family labour. The gross income per animal during a year was Rs. 4195.31 from cow and Rs. 6276.67 from buffalo inside watershed and the same was Rs. 4229.50 and Rs. 6412.00 outside the watershed. The results showed that there was little influence of watershed management programme over the yield and costing aspects of livestock enterprise.


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