Relationship between testicular size and seminal attributes in crossbred bulls Sudheer S. Frozen Seman Bank, K.L.D. Board (Indo-Swiss Project), Mattupatti P.O.-685616, Kerala, India. Abstract Five hundred and two ejaculates were collected from 27 crossbred bulls ageing 24 to 88 months to study the relationship between scrotal circumference (SC) and seminal characteristics. A significant positive correlation was observed between SC and ejaculate volume (r=0.64), sperm motility (r=0.48), sperm concentration (r=0.43) and total sperm output (r=0.61). Significant negative correlation was observed between SC and total sperm abnormalities (r=−0.78); and a non-significant correlation was noticed between SC and per cent of live sperms and post-thaw revival rates. Top | |
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