Growth, feed conversion and deficiency symptoms in fingerlings of Catla catla fed with vitamin E diets Gupta A.K., Hussain S. Non-Plan Project Fisheries Department of Animal Production, Rajasthan Agricultural University Campus-Udaipur-313001, India. Abstract In the present investigation, dietary requirement of vitamin E for the fingerlings of C. catla was evaluated considering various parameters. Significant absolute growth, SGR and FCE for the fingerlings were observed to range 20–40 mg vitamin E/kg of diet. The relative efficiency of various levels of dietary vitamin E on growth, SGR and FCE for the fingerlings was estimated as 20 < 40 < 80 < 10< 100 < 000 (Control) mg/kg diet. The vitamin E deficiency symptoms observed in the fingerlings were poor growth and low conversion efficiency, low PPV and ECE, anaemia, ascites and muscular dystrophy. Top | |
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