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Indian Journal of Animal Research
Year : 2000, Volume : 34, Issue : 2
First page : ( 124) Last page : ( 126)
Print ISSN : 0367-6722.

Effect of sera and media on in vitro maturation of bubaline oocytes

Kumar Suresh, Maurya S.N.

Department of Gynaecology and Obstetrics, College of Veterinary Sciences, G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar-263145, India.


Buffalo ovaries were collected from abattoir and oocytes were aspirated from 2–6 mm size follicles. Good quality oocytes were cultured in TCM-199 and HAMS F-10 medium supplemented either with fetal calf serum or bubaline estrus serum or buffalo calf serum. Oocytes were cultured at 38–39°C, with five per cent CO2 and high humidity for 24 hours and then the maturation rate was recorded. The maturation rate observed in TCM-199 containing feotalcalf serum, bubaline estrus serum and buffalo calf serum was 58.87, 67.89 and 53.35 per cent with an overall 60.56 per cent while the corresponding values for Hams F-10 medium were 51.25, 60.83 and 46.35 per cent with an overall average of 53.19 per cent. The present findings conclude that TCM-199 is more suitable for buffalo oocytes than Hams F-10 and the supplementation of bubaline estrus serum can enhance the buffalo oocyte maturation in vitro.


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