Internal quality of eggs marketed in the Meerut region of U.P. Singh Jai Department of Animal Husbandry and Dairying, Institute of Agriculture Sciences, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi-221005, India. Abstract The internal quality of eggs available in the marketing channels of Meerut region (U.P.) and Delhi was studied. It was observed that the thickness of thin and thick white, albumen index, yolk index and haugh unit decreased as the storage period increased in the test samples. The maximum thick white (87.35 cm2) and thin white (80.44 cm2) areas of eggs were recorded at Shamli areas, the maximum albumen index (0.074), yolk index (0.45) and haugh unit (72.49) were at Delhi centre. The shell thickness was the highest in Baraut (0.353±0.027 cm) and the lowest in Delhi (0.328.±0.013 cm) samples. The differences in the value of all the parameters under study both within the period and between the cities were statistically non-significant. More than 64% eggs marketed in different cities were at least 10 days old. Top | |
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