Canonical correlation analysis for studying the association of breeding efficiency and breeding values with growth and reproductive traits of Murrah buffaloes* Thomas Preeti Rachel, Chakravarty A.K. Dairy Cattle Breeding Division, National Dairy Research Institute, Karnal-132001, India. *Part of the M.Sc. Thesis of the first author submitted to the NDRI (Deemed University), Karnal. Abstract Canonical correlation analysis (CCA) was used to study the simultaneous relationship among two sets of traits, i.e., criterion traits (Y-set) which included breeding efficiency (BE) along with breeding value (BV) of milk production and predictor traits (X-set) comprising of nine growth and reproductive traits of Murrah buffaloes. The estimated canonical correlation between the two canonical variates was found significant (P<0.01). The estimation of canonical weights (CW) and canonical loadings (Cl) revealed that the body weights at 6 and 24 months of age and age at first calving were important with respect to breeding efficiency (BE) while the body weights of 12 and 18 months, first calving interval and service period were important with reference to breeding value (BV) of milk production in Murrah buffaloes. The redundancy coefficient indicated that 47.69 per cent, of the total variability in the breeding efficiency and breeding value of milk production was explained by nine growth and reproduction traits of Murrah buffaloes. Top | |
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