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Indian Journal of Animal Research
Year : 2000, Volume : 34, Issue : 1
First page : ( 33) Last page : ( 36)
Print ISSN : 0367-6722.

Epidemiology and chemotherapy of fascioliasis in goats

Maqbool A., Hashmi H.A1, Shafique M.2, Akhtar T.3, Ahmad M.2, Mahmood F.2

Department of Clinical Medicine and Surgery, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad, Pakistan.

1College of Veterinary Medicine, Lahore, Pakistan.

2Department of L. & D.D., Punjab.

3Department of Zoology, Punjab University, Lahore, Pakistan.


Rectal faecal samples from live goats and livers from slaughtered goats were collected randomly and examined every week from January to December, 1994. A total of 600 faecal samples from live goats and 600 livers from slaughtered goats were examined in 48 periods of which 173 (28.83%) faecal samples and 220 (36.66%) livers were found positive for Fasciola gigantica. Prevalence of fascioliasis was higher during autumn both in live 48% and slaughtered goats 63% while lowest during spring i.e. 21% and 25% respectively. The highest month wise prevalence i.e. 56% and 64% was recorded in September while lowest in June and July being 8% and 20% respectively in live and slaughtered animals. The higher prevalence was recorded in adults (33.6%). Females were more affected than males. The results of therapeutic trials by using Triclabendazole and Albendazole indicated that Triclabendazole was more effective in the treatment of fascioliasis in goats.


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