Protective efficacy of vitamin E in experimental aflatoxicosis in broilers Sapcota D., Islam R., Baruah K. K. College of Veterinary Science, Assam Agricultural University, Khanapara, Guwahati-781022, India Abstract A 6 wk study was conducted to find out the protective effect of dietary vitamin E in experimental aflatoxicosis in broilers. Day-old chicks (192) were divided into six groups of 32 chicks; each group was subdivided into 2 replicates of 16 chicks each. A control ration was prepared with conventional feedstuffs (T). Iso-caloric and iso-nitrogenous experimental diets were prepared by incorporating aflatoxin @30G ppb alone (Tx) or along with vitamin E at graded levels i.e. 50 (TxE1), 100 (TxE2), 200 (TxE3) and 400 (TxE4) mg/kg. Body weight gain (g) was highest (P<0.05) in the birds fed control ration (1470.31) and was lowest (919.17) in those fed ration containing added toxin alone (Tx). Supplementation of vitamin E (TxE1 to TxE4) improved the body weight of broilers. The feed consumptions in toxin supplemented group (Tx) was significantly (P<0.05) depressed whereas, there was improvement in feed intake due to the supplementation of vitamin E. The feed efficiency was decreased (P<0.05) in toxin alone supplemented birds (2.00) as compared to their control counterparts (1.97). When vitamin E was supplemented along with AFBp there was significant (P<0.05) improvement in the feed efficiency from 2nd week onwards which was more conspicuous as the age of the birds advanced, however, complete amelioration of the effect of toxin could not be noticed. It was concluded that the protective effect of vitamin E in experimental aflatoxicosis was only partial. Top Keywords Broilers, Aflatoxin, Vitamin E, Body weight, Feed intake and Feed efficiency. Top | | |
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