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Indian Journal of Animal Nutrition
Year 1995, Volume-12, Issue-3 (September)
Print ISSN : 0970-3209
Online ISSN : 2231-6744

Table of contents

Effect of Various Combinations of Vegetable Protein Supplements on the Performance of Broilers
R.S. Thakur, K. Pradhan

Ruminal Dry Matter and Protein Degradability of some Concentrate Ingredients Using Nylon Bag Technique
O.H. Chaturvedi, T.K. Walli

Ruminal Digestion Kinetics of Forages and Feed Byproducts in Sahiwal Calves
M Sarwah, M.A. Sial, W. Abbas, S. Mahmood, S.A. Bhatti

Status of Certain Blood Metabolites, Hormones, Biogenic Amines and Their Impact on Production in Healthy and Indigestion Cases of Lactating Murrah Buffaloes
Ramesh Kumari, M.A. Akisar, N. Singh, M.L. Sangwan

In Vitro Digestibility and Gas Production as Affected by Supplementation of Protein to Urea-Treated Wheat Straw
Chander Datt, G.P. Singh

Effect of Treatment of Deoiled Mahua Seed (Bassia Latifolia) Cake on Growth Rate, Fleece Production, Nutrient Utilisation and Histopathology in Sheep
V.K. Jain, S.S. Sengar, K. Charan, O.N. Agarwala

Effect of Inoculation of Pleurotus Spp. and Supplementation of Different Nutrient Sources on the Digestibility of Paddy Straw
S. Dhanda, V.K. Kakkar, H.S. Garcha, G.S. Makkar

Incorporation of Dried Apple Pomace in the Diet of Weaner Rabbits
R. K. Sawal, D.R. Bhatia, V. Bhasin

Nutritive Value of Subabul (Leucaena Leucocephala) Pods in Goats
K. Radha, M.M. Naidu, K. Joji Reddy

Utilization of Maize Husk in the Complete Rations of Goats
J. Syama Dayal, Janardhana Reddy, N.P. Purushotham

In-Sacco Nutritional Evaluation of Different Varieties of Paddy Straw
M. K. Tripathi, A. D. Tiwari, M. Singh, Avinash Chandra

Nutritional Evaluation of Black Gram Straw (Phaseolus Mungo) in Hurrah Heifers
Sanjiv Kumar, M.C. Garg

Composition of Diet Selected by Grazing Sheep on Natural Rangeland
S.K. Sankhyan, A.K. Shinde, S.A. Karim, B.C. Patnayak

Nutritive Value of Water Hyacinth [Eichhornia crassipes] Hay in Sheep
M.I. Ahmed, D.H. Rekhate, R.N. Dhore, J. Honmode, P.P. Sarde


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