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International Journal of Agriculture, Environment and Biotechnology
Year 2010, Volume-3, Issue-1 (March)
Print ISSN : 0974-1712
Online ISSN : 2230-732X

Table of contents

Leaf pigment contents in five tree and shrub species in A Mexican pineoak forest during periods of different water availability
W. Himmelsbach, H. González-Rodríguez, E.J. Treviño-Garza, Castillón A.E. Estrada, Calderón O.A. Aguirre, M.A. González-Tagle

Direct and Residual Effect of Rock Phosphate on Growth and Yield of Rice in an Acidic Soil
M. Issak, G.N.C. Sutradhar, M. M. Rahman, J. Firdousi, A.T.M. Hossain, A. Sultana

Evaluation of Winter Canola for Forage Yield and Quality in Comparison to Wheat
Udai Ram Bishnoi, Suresh Kumar, S. Rao Mentreddy

Morpho-Physiological Traits of Rice Genotypes Under Aerobic Condition
N. Sritharan, C. Vijayalakshmi

A probit Analysis of Accessibility of Small Scale Farmers to Formal Source of Credit in Ogbomoso Zone, Oyo State, Nigeria
W.A Sanusi, La Aadedeji

Effect of Micro-irrigation Technique on Physiological and Yield Traits in Aerobic Rice
N. Sritharan, C. Vijayalakshmi, P.K. Selvaraj

Perspectives of Salinity Tolerance of Some Crops: A Review
Humberto González Rodríguez, R.K. Maiti

Ploidy Level and Basic Chromosome Number in Some Species of Jatropha L.
R. Sasikala, M. Paramathma

The Searching Behavior of Scolothrips longicornis (Priesner) in Relation to Plant Surface Topography
Neda Kheradpir, Mohammadreza Rezapanah, Karim Kamali, Yaghoub Fathipour

Cultural Variation and Pathogenicity of Bipolaris Sorokiniana on Wheat in Bangladesh
F. M. Aminuzzaman, I. Hossain, F. Ahmed

The Comparative Analysis of Catfish Production Among Loan and Non-users in Ogbomoso Rural Settlement, Ogbomoso, Oyo State
M.O. Raufu, T.O. Dudubo

Effect of Credit Source on Women Fish Farmers in Ikorodu Logical Government Area of Logos State
M.O. Raufu, S.A. Salau, I.A. Adedeji, R.A. Adeniyi

Supply Analysis of Cassava Chips in Oyo State, Nigeria
Oladejo, Joana Adefemi

Comparison Study on Cyano-Bacterial Species Present in Petroleum Contaminated Soil with Non-Polluted Soil
Leyla Gheyrati Arani, V.R. Gunale

Quorum Sensing: Understanding the Linguistic Significance of the Microbial World
Anika Thapliyal, Kumari Kavita, Shalini Rajkumar

Biological Fuel Cells: Offer Solutions as Alternative Electricity Generation
Venkidusamy Krishnaveni

Molecular Breeding in Sugarcane
A. Thiappan Selvi, N.V. Nair

Nutritive Value of Peeled Cooked Breadfruit (Artocarpus Altilis) Meal for Broiler Chiken
I O Oladunjoye, A. D. Ologhobo, O. A. Amao

Subsoil Manuring - A Viable Input Management Option for Improving Agricultural Productivity
Dileep Kumar, H.P. Parewa, Amitava Rakshit, N.C. Sarkar, R.K. Maiti

Farmers Columns

Pre and Post-harvest Management Determines the Quality and Productivity of Food Grain: A Concern for Farmers
Ratikanta Maiti

“Chile Piquin” (Cassicum annnum var. Aviculare D & E., Solanaceae): A Wild Mexican Chilli: its Growth Habit, Methods to Break Seed Dormancy, Induce Germination Andits Propagation
R. K. Maiti, J. G. Almanza

Technique for Inducing Germination and Propatation of Cactus in arid Zone
Ratikanta Maiti


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