Biological Fuel Cells: Offer Solutions as Alternative Electricity Generation Krishnaveni Venkidusamy* Department of Agricultural Microbiology, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India *Email: amazingmicrobes@gmail.com
Abstract Interest in MFC is gaining momentum worldwide. Micro fuel cells are devices for generation of electricity from organic substrates through catalytic reactions of microorganisms. In a microbial fuel cell, the bacteria are stimulated to transfer their electrons to an electrode, from which the electrons then depart to external electrical circuit The recent electricity crisis has reinvigorated the interests in MFC as a way generate electric power. An attempt was made to generate electricity from different micro organisms using wastewater. In this study, a Microbial fuel cell (MFC) employing lowcost material, mixed culture without non toxic mediators was evaluated. Citric acid serves as non toxic mediator. This study opens the window to investigate more about MFC's. The present investigation documented the advantage of both wastewater treatment and electricity production in a single system Top Keywords MFC, Waste water, Citric acid, Electricity, Mixed culture. Top | |
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