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International Journal of Agriculture, Enviornment and Biotechnology
Year : 2010, Volume : 3, Issue : 1
First page : ( 87) Last page : ( 90)
Print ISSN : 0974-1712. Online ISSN : 2230-732X.

Effect of Credit Source on Women Fish Farmers in Ikorodu Logical Government Area of Logos State

Raufu M.O.*, Salau S.A., Adedeji I.A., Adeniyi R.A.

Department of Agricultural Economic and Extension, Ladoke Akintola University of Technology, Ogbomoso, Oyo state, Nigeria.

*E-mail: oyedapo1971@yahoo.com

Received:  15  January,  2010.


This study examined the effect of credit sources on women fish farmers in Ikorodu local government area of Lagos state. Eighty (80) women fish farmers (made up of 40 loan beneficiaries and 40 non-loan beneficiaries) were interviewed. Descriptive, multiple regression and budgetary analysis were used to analyse the data collected. The result showed that more than seventy percent of the respondents were above thirty years of age, majority (over 70%) of the respondents in both cases were also married. Majority of the loan beneficiaries (52.5%) were christians, while majority of the loan non-beneficiaries (65%) were Muslims. The age of respondents, marital status, years of experience, loan source, timeliness of loan and variable cost were statistically significant for the loan beneficiaries, while only the years of experience and variable cost of the respondents were statistically significant for the non loan beneficiaries. The findings revealed that fish-farming business was profitable in both cases. However, the average profits of the nonloan beneficiaries were higher than that of the loan beneficiaries, when compared using the cost and return analysis.


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