Cultural Variation and Pathogenicity of Bipolaris Sorokiniana on Wheat in Bangladesh Aminuzzaman F. M.1,*, Hossain I.2, Ahmed F.3 1Assistant Professor, Department of Plant Pathology, Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural University, Dhaka-1207, Bangladesh 2Professor, Department of Plant Pathology, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh-2202, Bangladesh. 3Principal Scientific Officer, Regional Agricultural Research Station, Jessore, Bangladesh. *Email: Aminsaupp@Yahoo.Com
Abstract Eighty-six monoconidial isolates of Bipolaris sorokiniana were isolated from leaf and seeds of 17 varieties of wheat collected from 18 major wheat growing regions of Bangladesh. The collected isolates differed significantly in respect of mycelial growth, conidia production ability, size, septation, shape and color of conidia. The isolates were classified into nine cultural groups based on colony morphology and colony color. Maximum number of 34 isolates produced effuse black regular colony with a frequency of 39.53% of the isolates collected whereas 29 isolates produced effuse black irregular colony with a frequency of 33.72% isolates collected. Isolates of different cultural groups were tested for their aggressiveness by seedling inoculation test and detached leaf assay on wheat and they showed significantly different reaction. Cultural group 6 having blackish whitish irregular colony (EBWI) appears to be more aggressive than others based on the two above mentioned test. Top Keywords Variation, Bipolaris sorokiniana, Virulence, wheat. Top |