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International Journal of Agriculture, Enviornment and Biotechnology
Year : 2010, Volume : 3, Issue : 1
First page : ( 21) Last page : ( 25)
Print ISSN : 0974-1712. Online ISSN : 2230-732X.

A probit Analysis of Accessibility of Small Scale Farmers to Formal Source of Credit in Ogbomoso Zone, Oyo State, Nigeria

Sanusi W.A, Aadedeji La

Department of Agricultural Economics and Extension. Lad Oke Akintola University of Technology, P.M.B. 400, Ogbomoso, Oyo-State, Nigeria E Mail: -gfolade @yahoo.com

Received:  15  November,  2010; Accepted:  February,  2010.


The study analyzed the determinant of small scale farmers, access to formal credit in Ogbomoso zone, Oyo-State. Access to credit is very important since financial constraints were one of the most important problems of small-scale farmers limiting adoption of new farming technologies. Formal credit is the most reliable source of credit in terms of availability in optimal size and disbursement organization. 150 small scale farmers were purposively select for the study; Data used was collected from the farmers using interviewed schedule method. The data was analyzed with Probit model using SAMAZ software. The result of the study revealed that level of education, membership of cooperative, contact with extension agent and present of collateral security positively and significantly determine the likelihood of farmers access to formal credit, while farming experience negatively determine the probabilities of farmers having access of formal credit. The result was consistent with a prior expectation in terms of direction of relationship and economy theories. The study therefore recommended that, the direction of influence of these determinants should serve as a guide, in efficient disbursement of formal credit in the future.



Probit analysis, accessibly, formal credit.


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