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Manuscript Guidelines

Research articles should have

  • Main Title
  • Authors name and Affiliation
  • Corresponding author email (as per proper format)
  • Running short title (<100 characters including space)
  • Abstract
  • Keywords (4-5)
  • Highlights(25-30 Words, Bulleted Format)
  • Introduction
  • Materials and Methods
  • Results and Discussion
  • Acknowledgements (if any)
  • References
  • Tables
  • Figures (if any)

The following types of material will be considered for publication in the IJAEB in TYPE-WRITTEN (MS WORD), Font (Times New Roman) with size 12, in double spaced throughout (including references and tables) with a 1.25 cm margin at the top, bottom and left-bottom and left-hand side. The articles in PDF format will not be accepted. The lines and pages should be numbered accordingly. The authors may also suggest three to four reviewers for the manuscript to fast the process of review.

Line numbers should be excluded from Tables, References and Figures, but should contain the page numbers:

  • Papers on Original Research, not exceeding 5,000 words.
  • Short Communication not more than 1,500 words, which deals with (a) research results which are complete but do not warrant comprehensive treatment, and (b) descriptions of new material or improved techniques, with supporting data. Such notes require no headed sections, but should have abstract. Summary (not more than 70-80 words) is to be provided at the end of the text. There will be no any major and subheadings in the short communication.
  • Critical Research Review pointing out lacunae in research and suggesting possible lines of future work under appropriate headings. Not exceeding 7,000 words (approximately 20-22 A4 typed pages). [Only Invited Critical Research Reviews from Renounced Researchers are Considered For Jar]
  • Author should consult the Check List for authors (given separately) before submission of article.


The title should be brief, concise, and call attention to the main point of the article. With a few exceptions, abbreviations and acronyms must be written out in full in titles.(Font: Times New roman, Size: 14, Bold).

Use the following format

Differentiation of Bovine Bone Marrow Hematopoietic Stem Cells in to Immunological Stem Cells


Authors are urged to include their full names, at minimum, first and last names of each author.

Use the following format: Darsh Shah1, Darshan M. Rudakiya2, Vignesh Iyer1 and Akshaya Gupte2* If two or more authors contributed equally to an article, this contribution may be acknowledged with a footnote with # sign that states “These authors contributed equally to this study.” However, a biographical sketch will be printed for only the first author (unless the article has only 2 authors). Mark the corresponding author with * as superscript and write details as:

Affiliation and Corresponding Author:

The full name of institutions and subsidiary departments should be given. The address of the institution should include the name of the institution, city, country (in capital, e.g. INDIA). When a paper has several authors from different institutions, key the author to the address with superscript Arabic numerals (for detail please refer current issue papers). Affiliating address should be in italic and centralized. For two different addresses of one author, use different consecutive numbers e.g. 1,2 (as superscript).

Use the following format: Darsh Shah1, Darshan M. Rudakiya2, Vignesh Iyer1 and Akshaya Gupte2*

1Department of Chemical Engineering, G. H. Patel College of Engineering & Technology, Vallabh Vidyanagar, Anand, Gujarat, India

2Department of Microbiology, N. V. Patel College of Pure & Applied Sciences, Vallabh Vidyanagar, Anand, Gujarat, India

*Corresponding author: xx@hotmail.com (ORCID ID: 0000-0002-9162-XXXX)

4. A brief running title should be in the title page after corresponding email address. Total words should exceed 80 characters (8-10 words). If running title is declarative or interrogative sentences, it is not acceptable.

5. Major and minor subheadings: major headings should be in capital font with bold, while subheadings should be in sentence case with bold.


An abstract is a brief, comprehensive summary of the contents of the article; it allows readers to survey the contents of an article quickly. Abstract should be concise less than 250 words and describe, in a paragraph, concisely purpose, methods, important results and describe conclusion of the study, but not repeat information already presented in the title. Short communication or clinical case reports must also be submitted with an abstract.

Key Words:

This is a list important terms relevant to the content of paper and should be different from title. Up to 4-5 key words should be listed at the bottom of abstract to be used as index terms.

e.g. Keywords: Azo dyes, Degradation, Heavy metals, Phanerochaete chrysosporium, Phenolics


Include Highlights about your article in bulleted text (25-30 words)


In this part no needs to write separate heading like “Introduction”. This is a brief background and limited to the statement of the importance of the study, problem or the aim of the experiment. It may briefly justify the research and specify the hypotheses to be tested. The review of literature should be pertinent to the problem. The specific questions to be addressed the study should also described. Objective of the study should be discussed in view of latest references.

Materials and Methods

There should be sufficient information to allow other researchers to repeat the experiment by clearly defining the experimental design. A precise description or an explicit reference to all biological, analytical, and statistical procedures is required. All procedure modifications must be explained.

Results and Discussion

Results and analyses should be clear and concise, supported by tables and figures, statistical analyses, and reports from other researchers. Results should be analyzed in the text without repeating table or figure values. Do not indicate more than two decimal places. The Discussion should clearly and precisely interpret results supported by statistical analyses.


All people who have made a genuine contribution and who endorse the data and conclusion(s) may be included. Authors are responsible for obtaining written permission to use any copyrighted text and/or illustration.

Tables and Figures:

Figure and tables should be inserting at suitable position in the text. Legends should be self explanatory. Table should be typewritten, double spaced, and each table should include a title. Vertical rulings in tables are unacceptable. Figures should ordinarily be original drawings and in JPEG format (Please do not paste other format figures in the text). However, glossy photographs of line-drawing are usually satisfactory. In each original line-drawing, letters or numbers should be left blank because they will be typed in during printing. Letters or numbers should be included in the figures contained in a submitted manuscript along with caption for figures. Authors should place explanatory matter in footnotes, not in the heading. Explain in footnotes all nonstandard abbreviations that are used in each table. For footnotes use the following symbols, in sequence: *,†,‡,§,¶,**,††, ‡‡

14. Nomenclatures, Unit, Abbreviations, and Symbols Nomenclatures for chemicals and biochemicals, microorganism, and genes should follow the guidelines in the instructions to authors of journals published by American Society for Microbiology. SI units (System International Unites) should be used whenever possible. Abbreviations should be used for those recommended by IUPA-IUB Commission on Biochemical Nomenclature and Related Documents.

15. Proof-correction should be in red ink; in the margins. All queries marked in the article should be answered. Proofs are supplied for a check-up of the correctness of type-setting and facts. Excessive alteration may be charged to the authors. The proofs should be returned within 7 Working days.


In the text are typed as follows: Pandey (2011) or (Pandey, 2011); Sharma et al. (2010) or (Sharma et al., 2011); Pandey and Sharma (2011) or (Singh and Sharma, 2011). If references are >2, then these references should be separated by semicolon (e.g. Sharma et al., 2011; Singh et al., 2016) Groups of references cited in a sentence in the text must be listed in chronological order as in the previous sentence. References in the list: should be typed in alphabetical order. The reference list should be first sorted alphabetically by author(s) and secondly chronologically. Please Strictly Adhere With Punctuations Also.

For Journal articles Author(s), year. Title. Journal name (abbreviated and italic), volume number (bold) (Issue Number in Bracket): page-page.

Rudakiya, D., and Pawar, K. 2014. Bioremediation potential of Comamonas acidovorans MTCC 3364 for the removal of sulfonated di-azo dye Reactive Black B. Int. J of Agriculture, Environment & Biotechnology, 7:525-535.

Singh, D.K. and Gupta, S.K. 2017. Reproductive disorders in ruminants. Theriogenology, 24: 123-178.

For standard journal abbreviations, please below links:



For whole books Author(s), Year. Title. (Ed.).Edition if any, Publisher, address. Page number.

Sharma, N., Bacic, G. and Singh, N.K. 2011. Production diseases of dairy animals. 1st Ed., Satish Serial Publishing House, Azadpur, New Delhi, pp. 390-400.

For chapters from books Author(s), year. Title. In: book title, editors (editors), Ed., Publisher, address. Page-page. Sharma, N. 2011. Milk fever. In: Production diseases of dairy animals. Sharma, N., Bacic, G. and Singh, N.K., 1st Ed., Satish Serial Publishing House, Azadpur, New Delhi, pp. 370-375.

Clark, J.A. and McArthur, A.J. 1994. Thermal Exchanges. Livestock Housing.1st edn, (Eds) Wathes, C.M. and Charles, D.R. CAB International, Wallingford, UK. pp. 97-122.

For Symposium Devegowda, G., Raju, M., Afzali, N. and Swamy H.V.L.N. 1998. Mycotoxin picture world-wide: Novel solutions for their counteraction. In: Proceedings of 7th Convention and Symposium of Indian Society for Veterinary Medicine. Feb, 2011. Bangalore, India. pp. 241-255.

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