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Year : 2003, Volume : 1, Issue : 1
First page : ( 1) Last page : ( 1)
Print ISSN : 0973-1970. Online ISSN : 0974-4487.

The accuracy of three methods of age estimation using radiographic measurements of developing teeth

Liversidge HM1, Lyons F1, Hector MP1

1Forensic Sci Int 2003; 131: 22–29


The accuracy of age estimation using three quantitative methods of developing permanent teeth was investigated. These were Mornstad et al. [Scand. J. Dent Res. 102 (1994) 137], Liversidge and Molleson [J. For. Sci. 44 (1999) 917] and Carels et al. [J. Biol. Bucc. 19 (1991) 297]. The sample consisted of 145 white caucasian children (75 girls, 70 boys) aged between 8 and 13 years. Tooth length and apex width of mandibular canine, premolars and first and second molars were measured from orthopantomographs using a digitiser. These data were substituted into equations from the three methods and estimated age was calculated and compared to chronological age. Age was under-estimated in boys and girls using all the three methods: the mean difference between chronological and estimated ages for method I was -0.83 (standard deviation +/- 0.96) years for boys and - 0.67 (+/- 0.76) years for girls; method II -0.79 (+/- 0.93) and 0.63 (+/- 0.92); method III -1.03 (+/- 1.48) and -1.35 (+/- 1.11) for 8.00 - 8.99 years where age could be predicted to 0.14 +/- 0.44 years (boys) and 0.10 +/- 0.32 years (girls). Accuracy was greater for younger children compared to older children and this decreased with age.


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